(Shanghai / Yancheng Comprehensive News) During the investigation of Chinese officials in Shanghai, it requested Shanghai to focus on the construction of the "five centers" and give full play to the leading role of leading and demonstration in the promotion of Chinese -style modernization.

At the time of low confidence in private enterprises and foreign investment, Chinese officials also emphasized that it is necessary to implement policies and measures to ensure that private enterprises participate in market competition fairly, build a world -class business environment, and enhance Shanghai's attractiveness to high -end resources at home and abroad.

Xinhua News Agency on Sunday (December 3) reported that Chinese officials went to Shanghai from November 28 to December 2 to investigate financial institutions, scientific and technological innovation parks, affordable rental housing projects, etc.

This is the Chinese official went to Shanghai to inspect again after going to Shanghai in November 2020 to attend the 30th anniversary of the development and opening up of Pudong.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese official Friday (December 1) listened to the work report of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of the Communist Party of China.He pointed out that accelerating the construction of the "five centers" is an important mission given to Shanghai by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Shanghai released the overall urban planning in January 2018. On the basis of the original "four centers", it proposed to accelerate the construction of the "five centers".The "five centers" are international economic centers, financial centers, trading centers, shipping centers and science and technology innovation centers.

Chinese officials say that Shanghai, as the cutting -edge positions of China's reform and opening up and in -depth international metropolises worldwide, must comprehensively deepen reform and opening up at a higher starting point, and to promote the first creative reform and leading openness.

He reiterated that we must adhere to "two unshakables", deepen the reform of state -owned enterprises, implement policies and measures to ensure that private enterprises participate in market competition, build an international first -class business environment, stimulate various operating entitiesThe attractiveness of high -end resources.

On the occasion of China's official visit to Shanghai, the confidence of the private sector and foreign capital of the Chinese economy is at a trough.According to the interpretation of the outside world, one of the purpose of this inspection is to boost confidence in all walks of life in reform and opening up and China's economic prospects.

According to Xinhua News Agency, China ’s official Sunday also visited the New Fourth Army Memorial Museum in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province on the way back to Beijing.During his visit, he emphasized that the heart of the people determines the choice of history. The Jiangshan is the people and the people.