In the early morning of July 9, 1971, Kissinger, assistant to US President's National Security Affairs, avoided all the media and secretly flew from Pakistan to Beijing.On the afternoon of the same day, Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai held talks with Kissinger at Building 5, Diaoyutai, Beijing.This is the first time that the Sino -US officials have been negotiated in Beijing after the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1949.Sino -US relations have been normalized, and Kissinger is also recognized as one of the pioneers of contemporary Sino -American relations.

July 20, 2023, Chinese official deliberately in the Chinese official Building 5 of Diaoyutai State Hotel met with Kissinger to express his respect for Kissinger's door to open Sino -US relations.At this time, Kissinger was over 100 years old and has visited China more than 100 times.

In the past 50 years, Kissinger met the five generations of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Chinese officials after the founding of the Communist Party of China, and established a good personal relationship with them.At the same time, Kissinger is also one of the most familiar foreign politicians in the Chinese people. His name is accompanied by the ups and downs and ups and downs of Sino -US relations for more than half a century.

Chinese leaders have highly affirmed Kissinger's contribution to Sino-US relations, mainly because Kissinger directly or indirectly participated in the formulation of the three joint communiqués of China and the United States.The three joint communiqués of China and the United States refers to the Shanghai Bulletin in February 1972, the China -US establishment diplomatic communaries in December 1978, and August 1982.China has always emphasized that the three joint communiqués are the political foundation of the development of Sino -US relations, because the United States has expressed its adherence to the "one China" policy in three joint bulletin.

Especially Kissinger's directly participating in the formulation of the Shanghai Bulletin has laid the foundation for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States later.The United States said in the Shanghai Bulletin: The United States realized that all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait believe that there is only one China, and Taiwan is part of China.The U.S. government does not objection to this position.It reiterates its concern for the Chinese people to solve the Taiwan problem peacefully.

The statement of the US issue on the Taiwan issue is the basis for the previous government's claim to adhere to the policy of the first China.At the same time, this more vague expression has also emphasized that Taiwan's issues must be resolved peacefully, and on this basis, it has formulated a foreshadowing with the Taiwan Relations Law and the "six guarantees" of Taiwan.After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, on the one hand, the United States maintains diplomatic relations with China on the one hand, and does not completely rupture Sino -US relations. On the one hand, according to its own strategic needs, the sources of China in one China and supporting Taiwan are cleverly solved with Kissinger that year.The biggest problem of this Sino -US relations.

In fact, in 1971, the secret visit to China not only opened the door of Sino -US relations, but also heralded that China will be open.After Kissinger visited China, the next year, US President Nixon successfully visited China, known as "a week to change the world".

From December 18th to 22nd, 1978, the Communist Party of China held the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, becoming a sign of China's reform and opening up.Two days before the Third Plenary Session, China and the United States issued a communiqué of establishment diplomatic relations, announcing that China and the United States officially established diplomatic relations from January 1, 1979, providing important external conditions for China's reform and opening up.

Over the years, every China -US relations have fallen into a deadlock, Kissinger can always play a role in relieving and lubricating. The reputation and courtesy he enjoyed in China may be higher than any country.After Kissinger's death, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the State Council expressed their condolences, fully showing his weight in the hearts of Chinese leaders.For Sino -US relations, Kissinger may no longer have no foundation.