The Beijing Court of China announced the destroy of 15 people's cross -border gambling groups, and said that Ji Xiaobo, a casino tycoon active in Hong Kong and Macao, was the head of the group.The tycoon was sentenced.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Beijing First Intermediate People's Court announced on Friday (November 24) that from 2008 to 2021, in order to obtain illegal interests, Ji Moumou (separate cases), Dong Moumou, and Dong MoumouSome (handled by another case) organized three people including Cui Limei and other three people to open a casino overseas; eight people including Shen Zhonglian and other means for violence, threats and other means to ask for illegal debt formed by gambling;Illegal claims and transfer assets formed by gambling.

The court pointed out that the above -mentioned personnel have been gathered together for a long time, forming a criminal group with 15 members such as Ji Moumou as the primary element and Cui Limei, and organized and solicited in Beijing and other provinces and cities.Chinese citizens go abroad to gambling, provoking trouble, illegal invasion of houses, and collecting illegal debt.

The court pronounced that 15 people including Cui Limei committed the crime of opening a casino, provoking trouble, illegal invasion of residential crimes, crimes of collecting illegal debt, and serving the crime of transporting others to steal the border.Cui Limei was sentenced to eight years and six months in prison, and fined 200,000 yuan (about S $ 37,800);14 people such as Shen Zhonglian and Yang Kunhua were sentenced to seven years, six months, six months to eight months of punishment, and fined fines.

The Sing Tao Daily in Hong Kong said that although the notification of the Beijing First Intermediate People's Court did not explain who Ji Moumou was, it is reported that Ji Moumou was a casino tycoon Ji Xiaobo, who was active in Hong Kong and MacaoCui Limei is the sister of Ji Xiaobo's mother, Cui Lijie, and has briefly served as executive director of Ji Xiaobo's "Bohua Pacific" in the Hong Kong listed company.

It notified that Dong Moumou mentioned in addition is Ji Xiaobo's latest business partner.The court said that Ji Moumou and Dong Moumou were "handled by another case" and could judge that the two had not yet returned.

Ji Xiaobo is about 45 years old, from Harbin, Northeast, and later entered the field of Macau gaming and became a "stacked code" (referring to the exchange chip to the guests to obtain rich profits).Actress Wu Peici has four children.

It is reported that Ji Xiaobo has reported financial storms in recent years. This summer, debt collection leaflets appeared on the streets of Hong Kong."Borrow money and borrow the evaporation of earth, end the way, and get the account."