A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in France said that China will fully maintain the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese students detained by the French police.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in France on Wednesday (November 22), according to French media reports, a Chinese student in France has recently appealed to "stop race extinction against the Palestinian people" on the wall.The slogan of "opposing Jewish reconstruction" was detained by French local police and may be forced to be repatriated.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in France responded that the Central Embassy has paid close attention to the development of the situation from the beginning and provided consular assistance to the student in a timely manner.The decision of the judge of the Chinese side in favor of the trial of the trial of the trial and the opinions of the party's lawyers and schools, that is, the student only condemned the Israeli government's policy and threatened the public order. Police should not over -enforce the law.China will continue to pay attention to the progress of the case and fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens.

The spokesman pointed out that the Chinese government's position on this round of Pakistani conflicts is that the top priority is that the parties must immediately stop the fire to stop the battle and stop all violence and attacks against civilians.Avoid more serious creatures.The second is to ensure the safety and smoothness of humanitarian rescue channels, provide more humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza, and stop the collective punishment for migrant migration, water break, and oil and oil.Third, the international community should take out actual measures to prevent the expansion of conflicts and affect the stability of the entire Middle East.All parties should implement the requirements of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council.

A spokesman said that the Chinese government believes that the situation has developed to this day. The root cause is that the foundation of the Palestinian people's construction, the right to survival, and the right to return have been ignored for a long time.The fundamental way out to resolve the Palestinian conflict cycle is to implement the "two countries", restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation, and establish an independent Palestinian country.

The spokesman also said that the Middle East did not have long -lasting peace and stability to solve the Palestinian problem in fairness.China has called for a more authoritative international conference as soon as possible, united international promotion and consensus, and promotes the Palestinian issues to get comprehensive, fair and long -lasting solution as soon as possible.