The Shenzhen first -tier cities in Shenzhen boosted the property market and enlarged the move.

China Financial Media First Financial Report, reported on Wednesday (November 22), saying that Shenzhen will adjust the minimum down payment ratio of two houses from Thursday (23), and two sets of houses for individual housing housing housingThe minimum down payment ratio of the loan is 70%of the original ordinary housing and 80%non -ordinary housing, and the unified adjustment to 40%.

Check the official website of relevant departments without finding relevant notices.However, the First Finance learned from the individual loan managers of the Bank of China and the Shenzhen area of ​​the Construction Bank that the above news was true, and the branch has received relevant notices and will be officially implemented on Thursday.

A person from a real estate intermediary agency in Shenzhen also confirmed the above information to the First Financial.

In addition, the standards of ordinary houses in Shenzhen have begun to loosen.The Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau issued a notice on the adjustment of preferential policies on Wednesday evening on Wednesday evening.The notice states that in order to better meet the rigidity and improve housing needs of residents, with the consent of the municipal government, the general housing standards that Shenzhen enjoy the preferential policies are now:The construction area of ​​the housing set is less than 120 square meters (including 120 square meters) or a single set of housing construction area of ​​less than 144 square meters (including 144 square meters).The compliment was implemented on November 23, 2023.

Reported that compared with the policy in July 2020, the standard of Shenzhen's notice to ordinary houses canceled "the actual transaction price is less than 7.5 million yuan (RMB, the same below, the same is about S $ 1.43 million, about 1.43 million yuan) "This limit.In other words, after the New Deal, the construction area is less than 144 square meters, but a house with a total price of more than 7.5 million yuan will be included in the category of ordinary houses. When trading in second -hand housing, these houses will save a lot of taxes and fees.

Since the beginning of this year, the overall effect of the Shenzhen property market has not been obvious. Although there are "recognition of housing and not recognizing loans" in August and September, and the blessing of a good policy under the mortgage interest rate, Shenzhen second -hand housing trading volume is still on the line.(5,000 sets per month), in October, 3,717 units of second -hand housing in Shenzhen were recorded in October. Although the transaction volume increased and year -on -year, it was still less than the Xiaoyang Spring period in March this year.The new house market still does not improve much. In October this year, Shenzhen's first -hand residential residential transactions were 2654 units, an increase of 28%month -on -month, ending the "two consecutive declines" in August and September.Essence

On the impact of the policy, the Family Research Center believes that since the end of August this year, Shenzhen has successively introduced the favorable policy policy of recognition of housing and reducing housing loan interest rates, and the reduction of the down payment standards for the second -home houses and the reductionThe policy of enhancement of the luxury residential line, these combination boxing help further reduce the threshold for improving the purchase of house purchase and fully activate the improvement of the demand.

Some market views believe that compared with the decrease in the down payment ratio, the decrease in ordinary residential standards is more favorable for buyers.First Financial quoted a home buyer, "The down payment has been reduced, but the monthly supply and interest are more. Only a part of the luxury tax (value -added tax) of a part of the house is canceled, which is considered a great benefit."In addition, investors in a real estate industry believe that when the investment income is expected to be small, the prediction of the down payment will not be too great.