Many hospitals in many places in China have reported the increase in pediatric visits.

According to the surging news report, members of the leadership team of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been brought to class for 24 hours to conduct coordination; all members of the pediatrics also stop, the director and deputy director of the department daily at the daily work, Increase the acute diagnosis of pediatric diagnosis.The hospital also mobilized the hospital with the quality of pediatric diagnostic therapy for pediatric clinics.

Beijing's Aviation General Hospital issued a post last Friday (November 17) saying: "Since entering autumn and winter, due to the continued popularity of mycoplasma pneumonia, and even superposition infection such as A, new crowns, etc.The amount of consultation continued to be high, and the number of daily diagnosis was maintained between 550 and 650, an increase of 30%to 50%over the same period of the previous year.After children with fever and cough symptoms come to the hospital, after preliminary pre -examination and examination, you can apply for blood routine and pneumoniacum -churrous trials in the designated clinic in advance.While waiting for the doctor, the child can go to the test window to complete the conventional laboratory, and directly provide the test results to the doctor when the consultation.The hospital organizes outpatient medical technology departments to send personnel to support this work full -time, which shortens the time of waiting and reducing the number of round -trip clinics.

The General Hospital of the Northern Theater of Shenyang issued a post on Wednesday (November 22) that the annual autumn and winter seasons are the peak period of upper respiratory tract infection.The child increased significantly.In particular, influenza virus, adenovirus, and respiratory tract hypertoi virus have taken turns. The pediatric clinic is "full", and it is in a full load operation for 24 hours.

According to reports, the daily visits of the Pediatrics of the General Hospital of the Northern Theater General Hospital have reached more than 900.In order to meet the rapid growth of diagnosis and treatment, the hospital's department launched an emergency plan, dynamically adjusted the diagnosis doctor according to the amount of diagnosis at different times, increased the number of beds in the ward, arranged for the ward nurse to support outpatient clinics, increased the outpatient infusion point, and expanded the infusion hall area.

In addition, the Second People's Hospital of Dingxi City, Gansu said on Wednesday, saying that since the end of October, the number of children's outpatient clinics and inpatient children in the hospital has continued to increase.More than 150 people, the pressure of diagnosis and treatment doubled.More than 20 new beds were added to the pediatric and ward, and it was still "difficult to find a bed", and the entire pediatrics were in a state of overloading.

The two heads of the pediatrics of Dingxi Second People's Hospital said: "Since the number of children in the diagnosis, our nurse has worked overtime and did not pass the work at normal time.A lot of medical care children are also sick for more than an hour.