Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Uzbekistan Foreign Minister Saisovicin held the first strategic dialogue between China -UFiers and said that China opposes any forces to interfere with the internal affairs of Central Asian countries with any excuses.

China News Agency reported that Wang Yi held the first Sino -UFiery Foreign Minister's strategic dialogue on Tuesday (November 21) in Beijing.The two sides have conducted comprehensive and in -depth communication on implementing the important consensus of the heads of state of the two countries, strengthening the development strategy docking, reaching a wide consensus, and jointly announced the establishment of a strategic dialogue mechanism for foreign ministers of the two countries.

Wang Yi said that Zhongwu is a friendly neighbor of fate and communist.Regardless of how the international situation changes, the relationship between China and Ukraine has always developed healthy and stable, and maintains vigorous vitality.

Wang Yi said that China is willing to have a new platform with Uzbekistan to make good use of the strategic dialogue between China and Waidi to promote comprehensive mutual mutual mutual cooperation and accelerate the construction of a community of destiny in China.

He put forward four suggestions for this: one is to consolidate the belief of unity and mutual trust; the other is to create a engine of common development; the third is to deeply cultivate the public opinion of generations; and the fourth is to build a peaceful and stable fortress.

For the fourth point of suggestions, Wang Yi clarified to further strengthen anti -terrorism, anti -drugs, crack down on transnational organizational crime, network and biological security cooperation, and emphasize that China opposes any forces to interfere with the internal affairs of Central Asian countries by any excuse.

It is reported that the two sides also said that they will further strengthen collaboration within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations and Shanghai Cooperation Organizations, promote the construction of China's-Central Asian mechanism, and maintain the peaceful development and security and stability of the region.

The two sides also exchanged opinions with Harbin conflict.Wang Yi explained the positions of China's principles and introduced the recent Arab, Group visit to China.