Chinese President Xi Jinping said that in unfairness to solve the Palestinian problem, there is no lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. The fundamental way out to solve the Palestinian -Israel -Israel conflict cycle is to implement the "two countries".

According to the China News Agency, Xi Jinping attended the special video summit of the BRICS leader Pakistani issue on Tuesday (November 21) and delivered a speech entitled to promote a long -lasting peace and safety.

Xi Jinping said that the summit was the first leader meeting after the BRICS expansion.The conflict in the Gaza area has lasted for more than a month, causing a large number of civilian casualties and humanitarian disasters, and the expansion of spillover trends, China ’s deep concern.

Xi Jinping said that when the priority is, the first is that the parties of the conflict should immediately stop the fire and stop the war, stop all violence and attacks against civilians, release the detained civilians, and avoid more serious creatures.The second is to ensure the safety and smoothness of humanitarian rescue channels, provide more humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza, and stop the collective punishment for migrant migration, water break, and oil and oil.Third, the international community should take out actual measures to prevent the expansion of conflicts and affect the stability of the entire Middle East.All parties should implement the requirements of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council.

Xi Jinping said that the development of Pakistan and Israel has been developed today. The root cause is that the foundation of the Palestinian people's national power, the right to survival, and the right to return has long been ignored.The fundamental way out to resolve the Palestinian conflict cycle is to implement the "two countries", restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation, and establish an independent Palestinian country.Unjustly solve the Palestinian issue, the Middle East does not have long -lasting peace and stability.China has called for a more authoritative international conference as soon as possible, united international promotion and consensus, and promotes the Palestinian issue to get comprehensive, fair and long -lasting solution as soon as possible.

Xi Jinping said that since the outbreak of Pakistani conflicts in this round of Pakistani, China has actively persuaded and promoted talks, promoted the cease fire and provided emergency humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip.EssenceAs the rotating chairman of the UN Security Council this month, China has promoted the Security Council to pass relevant resolutions, requiring the extension of the duration of humanitarian suspension and humanitarian corridors, protecting civilians, and carrying out humanitarian assistance.

Xi Jinping said that the BRICS cooperation mechanism is an important platform for emerging market countries and developing countries to strengthen the combination and maintain common interests.Today, everyone coordinated and took action on the Pakistani issue, and opened a good start for the "big brick cooperation" after the expansion.China is willing to create a new era of BRICS cooperation with other members.

South African President Rama Puta hosted the summit, Brazilian President Lula, Russian President Putin, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad, Egyptian President Cecil, Iranian President Rich, UAE President Muhammad, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi, India, India, India, India, India, India, India, India,Argentine Foreign Minister attended the meeting.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi, etc. attended the summit.