(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Public Security of China announced on Tuesday (November 21) that after several rounds of blows, the law enforcement department in northern Myanmar has transferred a total of 30,000 telecommunications network fraud criminal suspects to China."" ".

According to the WeChat public account of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, since September this year, under the command and deployment of the Ministry of Public Security and the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, the public security organs of Xishuangbanna, Pu'er, Lincang and other places have launched the border with relevant law enforcement departments in Myanmar.Police law enforcement cooperation launched a series of crackdown operations, and a large number of telecommunications network fraud suspects were transferred to China.

After entering November, in order to advance the crackdown, the Chinese public security organs further deepened the China -Myanmar police law enforcement cooperation and launched a sharp offensive against the crime of fraud in northern Myanmar.

In the direction of northern Myanmar officials, more than 30,000 telecommunications network fraud suspects were transferred by China, including behind the scenes, 63 organizations and backbones, and 1,531 online fugitives.

Northern Myanmar Telecom Fraud in recent years has been rampant. According to the news of China CCTV News, there are hundreds of fraud parks on the Miaowa Date on the Border Border.There are at least 1,000 parks, and more than 100,000 people are performing telecommunications fraud every day.

After the joint operation of China and Myanmar, the Myanmar police have successively transferred to the Chinese telecommunications network fraud criminal suspects in September this year.The official website of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security released news on the evening of Thursday (November 16) that the important leader of the important leader of the telecommunications network fraud criminal gang of Kokang Autonomous Region in northern Myanmar was arrested on the day of Ming Guoping, Ming Julan and Ming Zhenzhen and transferred to China Public Security.The summit Ming Xuechang committed suicide in the November 15th arrest on November 15.

Zhang Jiahua, an associate professor of China University of Political Science and Law, analyzed the "country is the country is through traffic" on Weibo that the situation of members of the Ming family's family will be held criminally responsible in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Chinese criminal law.

Zhang Jiahua pointed out that the telecommunications fraud behavior of members of the Ming family will constitute a crime of fraud, and the highest sentence of fraud is a life imprisonment.If you are still suspected of intentional homicide, intentional injury, illegal detention, etc., the crime of punishment may be punished.

While the Chinese Ministry of Public Security released the results of cracking down on Tuesday, it also emphasized that it will maintain a trend of high pressure on the high pressure of criminal groups in North Myanmar ’s telecommunications network fraud group, continuously deepen the China -Myanmar border police law enforcement cooperation, continue to organize special blow operations, and clearly clear fraud to scam fraud.The dens are arrested in accordance with the law.