Chinese President Xi Jinping appealed to promote the suspension of the Harbin conflict and achieve lasting peace.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping made the above appeal when he attended the BRICS leader Pakistani Special Video Summit in Beijing on Tuesday (November 21) in the evening of the BRICS leader Pakistani issue.

Xi Jinping said at the beginning that under the current situation, the BRICS countries issued a voice of justice and the voice of peace on the BRICS, which is very timely and very necessary.

He pointed out that the conflict in Gaza has lasted for more than a month, causing a large number of civilian casualties and humanitarian disasters, and expanding spillover trends, which is profoundly concerned by China.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the first priority is that the parties of the conflict should immediately stop the fire and stop the war, stop all violence and attacks against civilians, release the seized civilians, and avoid more serious creatures.Secondly, it is necessary to ensure the safety and smoothness of humanitarian rescue channels, provide more humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza, and stop compulsory migration, water -breaking electric oil, and other collective punishments for the people of Gaza.Furthermore, the international community must take practical measures to prevent the expansion of conflicts and affect the stability of the entire Middle East.

He showed that China supported the resolution of Pakistani conflict on the UN General Assembly Special Meeting on October 27.As the rotating chairman of the UN Security Council, China has presided over the resolution of the Security Council No. 2712.All parties should put the decision request to be implemented.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of the Palestinian and Israeli situation is to this day. The root cause is that the founding power, the right to survival, and the right to return of the Palestinian people have been ignored for a long time."I have repeatedly emphasized that the fundamental way out to solve the Palestinian -Israeli conflict cycle is to implement the" two countries' plans ", restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation, and establish an independent Palestinian country. Unfair solving the Palestinian issue, the Middle East has no lasting peace and stability."

He said that China called for as soon as possible to hold more authoritative international peace conferences as soon as possible, unite international promotion and consensus, and promote Palestine's issue to get comprehensive, fair and long -term solution as soon as possible.

Xi Jinping's first public development sound for the Yhashi conflict for nearly two weeks in mid -October, emphasizing that the priority is to stop the fire as soon as possible, avoid the expansion of the conflict, even out of control, and cause a serious humanitarian crisis.Open the humanitarian corridor.