Minister of Health Wang Yikang said that the current situation in China is very different from Japan in the 1980s. If it can reduce excessive dependence on the real estate industry, promote domestic consumption, investment and development technology, and continue to promote reform and opening up. There is no reason for reasons.China's future economy is frustrated.

When Wang Yikang attended the Fifth New Middle School Forum held in Beijing on Tuesday (November 21), he made an optimistic outlook on China's economic prospects and expressed the expectations of Singapore people's friendly relations with Sino -US relations.

This year, China's economic recovery momentum and low prices have exacerbated the market's concerns about the tightening of this world's second largest economy.In his speech, Wang Yikang said that some economists compared the current situation of China to Japan in the 1980s. It is assumed that China will enter long -term shrinkage and delay under the impact of real estate bubbles and population aging.

Wang Yikang pointed out that the average income of Japanese in the 1980s was higher than the United States, and the current per capita income of China was only one -third of the United States, and the situation of the two was completely different."After China overcomes the current downturn, there is a lot of space to continue to grow."

As for the aging population, Wang Yikang said that except Africa, there are similar situations around the world, but this does not necessarily mean that society will lose vitality.Taking Germany and the Netherlands as an example, he pointed out that with the assistance of scientific and technological development and productivity tools, these aging national economies can continue to grow.

Wang Yikang said that if China next can reduce excessive dependence on the real estate industry, promote domestic consumption, investment and development of science and technology, and continue to promote reform and opening up, "people have no reason to be frustrated by China's future economic development."

By 2030, China is likely to become the world's largest economy, and per capita income will increase to a level close to developed countries.Wang Yikang said: "If no geopolitical disasters occur, the world can maintain global peace and order, we will usher in the first new landscape in Asian history."

He predicts that this will be a multi -pole world with a globalization and connecting with each other: the United States believes that it will also be the leading superpower. China will be another most important strategic and economic pillar, while the European Union, India, and Japan, etc.It will also continue to play an important international role; the global economic focus will move to Asia.

In the subsequent conversation, a Singapore student studying at Peking University asked Wang Yikang: Now some young people in Singapore have a very positive attitude towards China. Will this impact on Singapore's social cohesion?

Wang Yikang replied that Singaporeans hope that regions are peaceful and Singapore peace and stability."Of course, because of historical relationships, it may be different for China's feelings, but everyone hopes that the world's diplomatic relations will be good. Do not have any political disaster ... The relationship between China and the United States is the most important relationship in the world. I believe all Singaporeans.Elderly or young, I hope that Sino -US relations will be good. "

He emphasized that Singapore and neighboring countries do not want to choose a border station between China and the United States, but want to be friends with China and the United States at the same time."In fact, there are many places in China and the United States. I believe that both people on both sides, neighboring countries, and the world do not want them to conflict."

With the theme of this year's forum, "Challenge and Opportunities for the Growth of the New Middle and Middle -to -Miramid", Wang Yikang and the founder and CEO of Education and Training Institution, Mi Wenjuan, and Liu Yonggang, president and editor -in -chief of the surging news.This link is chaired by Li Huiling, president of the Chinese Media Group of the Newspaper Media.

Liu Yonggang pointed out that young people in the "post -90s" and "post -00s" are gradually becoming a vital army in the workplace in China. Their state is very different from the previous generation. It has a deeper understanding of new technologies.Essence"As a" elderly ", I learn to respect them ... There are many creative work, and let the young people do it."

Talking about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on adolescent education, Mi Wenjuan believes that AI can help students learn better, but in cultivating thinking methods and cultural exchanges, the role of teachers will never be replaced. "There must be High Tech (high -tech), and there must be High Touch ".