A total of 31,000 suspects were transferred to China in relevant local law enforcement departments to China.

China CCTV News Client reported the above news on Tuesday (November 21), and said that among the suspects of tens of thousands of telecommunications network fraud criminals, the "gold master", organizational leader and backbone were behind the scenes.There were 1531 fugitives online.

It is reported that since September this year, under the command and deployment of the Ministry of Public Security and the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, public security organs such as Xishuangbanna, Pu'er, Lincang and other places have carried out border police law enforcement cooperation with relevant local law enforcement departments in Myanmar., Carry out a series of crackdown operations, and a large number of telecommunications network fraud criminal suspects have been transferred to China.

After November, in order to advance the crackdown, the Chinese public security organs further deepened the China -Myanmar police law enforcement cooperation and launched a sharp offensive to the Northern Myanmar telecommunications network fraud crime.

The relevant person in charge of the Chinese public security organs emphasized that it will always maintain the high pressure of high pressure on the criminal group of telecommunications network scams in northern Myanmar, continuously deepen the China -Myanmar border police law enforcement cooperation, and resolutely safeguard the people's lives, property, and legitimate rights and interests., Effectively maintain the security and stability of the border.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security posted a message on Weibo earlier that with the cooperation of all parties in Myanmar, the important leader of Northern Myanmar's KOKANG Autonomous Region telecommunications network fraud criminal gang Ming Guoping, Mingjikan and MingzhenZhen was arrested last Thursday (November 16) and transferred to China Public Security.The summit Ming Xuechang committed suicide in the night's arrest on Wednesday (November 15) at night.

The public security organs in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China have rewarded the above four people on November 12, and accused the criminal gangs led by Ming Xuechang for a long time to open a fraud crime den, publicly armed guardians, and implemented telecommunications against Chinese citizens.Criminal crimes on cyber fraud are also suspected of murder, deliberate injury, and illegal detention.The Chinese police then jointly law enforcement with the relevant departments of the Burmese military government.