Editing the retirement work of outsiders has attracted increasing attention from public opinion.

According to the "Ask Hunan" website, a few days ago, some netizens consulted the clear and retreat of the Changsha municipal agency to the clean -up of labor dispatch and foreign personnel.Very important, if the superior has a unified deployment and work requirements, the city will carry out related work in a timely manner. "

The aforementioned netizens mentioned the cases of Harbin, Hubei Shiyan and other places in Heilongjiang. In fact, Hunan has begun to retreat.

For example, in early September of Lintong County, Changde City, it has been reported that since May this year, Lingying County has vigorously promoted the management of external employment, cleaned up, and strictly controlled the high pressure.There are 163 employees, saving fiscal funds of more than 2 million yuan, and the chaos of external employment is effectively curbed, and the risk of employment is greatly reduced.

当地介绍,启动摸底统计工作后,临澧县迅速制定工作方案,全县各机关事业单位、乡镇(街道)集中10天时间,对编外用工进行全面摸底排查,掌握姓名、岗位、工资、The working life, the form of employment, and the signing of contracts, and establish a registration management of accounts.At the same time, actively report to the leaders of the county party committee's editorial committees, according to the statistical requirements and the number of plans approved by the temporary measures (hereinafter referred to as temporary measures) of the Ministry of Lintong County organs, provided real data by the employer, which can be provided by the employer.Clear retirement.After the first stage of the completion, 90 institutions and institutions reported a total of 1,798 out -of -the -ware workers, and 79 were retired by themselves.

In Yongzhou Road, according to official statistics, as of September 20, a total of 1,038 people in the county have been re -employed.

Related reports of Red Net said that the Daoxian Human Social Affairs Bureau insists on unemployment registration first, and actively guides the cleaned outsiders through telephone and home visits.Eligible personnel who apply for employment difficulties have identified 56 employment difficulties.Highlight the "311" service. Based on the age structure, cultural level, employment skills, and employment willingness of the personnel of the outside -the -world personnel, we will provide professional introduction, vocational training, and career guidance to the cleaned outsiders. A total of "311" services provide "311" services5190.Strengthening skill training, a total of 681 out -of -the -ware staff provided a total of 14 -phase Chinese cooking artists, nutritional foodists, massage health caregivers and other types of workers, which effectively improved their employment skills.Increase entrepreneurial support, provide 168 free entrepreneurial training for personnel to be cleaned up, and issue 40 5.62 million yuan in entrepreneurial loans, and 80,000 yuan in one -time entrepreneurial subsidies.Grasp the output of labor services, and output 106 people in developed areas such as Changsha and Guangdong.Strengthen employment assistance, and the ages that are difficult to achieve employment through market channels have been cleared, and they are placed on the bottom of public welfare positions through the development of public welfare positions.Public welfare post.In addition, through special job fairs, provide high -quality positions, promote the matching of people, and promote the cleansing and editors to achieve 659 employees.

In addition, in May this year, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Xiangtan County introduced in response to netizens' consultation that the cleanup work of outside the Xiangtan County editor is promoted in an orderly manner. In February 2023Plan, the number of people in all units in the county was introduced in April. Outside of the county's institutions and institutions in the county was in place before June 30, 2023. The county's health and education systems were retired from 500 people.At the end of the year.

Surging News In mid -June this year, led by the Leading Group of Xiangtan County Cleanment and Standardment Work, the County Party Committee's Compilation Office and the County Party Committee Organization Department, the County Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau, and the County Finance Bureau formed a joint investigation team.Special investigations are carried out in the management and standardization of labor employment in the unit.

The relevant person in charge of the Xiangtan County Party Committee's editor office said at the time that it would further increase the work, promote the stable reduction of external employment, cooperate with relevant functional departments to improve the management system, and conduct record management of outsiders who use financial funds and other types of financial funds.Promote the moderate reduction of county financial supporters, and achieve strict control, standardized management, and improvement of foreign labor employment.