The China Commercial Federation reported that China's retail industry boom index in October has reached a new high in the past year.

According to the China News Agency, a report released by the China Commercial Federation on Monday (October 9) showed that China's October retail industry prosperity index (CRPI) was 51.3%, which was 0.5 slightly higher than the previous month.A percentage point, a new high of the past year.

The Chinese Commercial Federation analyzed that with the gradual implementation of many Chinese and economical and promoting development policies and measures, the peak consumption season for the Mid -Autumn Festival and the National Day Double Festival is driven.Good expectations, a number of positive indicators of commodity business companies hit a new high in the past year.

In the operation of the Chinese retail industry prosperity index, from the perspective of the industry classification, the product operating index is 52.0%, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the previous month;A decrease of 0.4 percentage points; the e -commerce business category index was 49.9%, a slight decrease of 1.0 percentage points from the previous month.

Among them, the sales of three positive index sales, profit level and customer unit price level of the CRPI that constitute the commodity business are at the top point.

The sales index and profitability index have risen for three consecutive months, and the increase has expanded, a new high in the past year.

The sales index is 54.9%, an increase of 2.9 percentage points from the previous month, indicating that the product business enterprise is expected to have a good overall consumption in October.The profit level index was 53.5%, an increase of 2.8 percentage points from the previous month, indicating that the profit expectations of commodity business companies continued to improve.

The unit price level index is 53.4%, an increase of 2.5 percentage points from the previous month, and picked up for two consecutive months.The analysis believes that the continuous rise in the unit price level index in October shows that the role of the Mid -Autumn Festival and the National Day double festival is obvious.

China's retail industry prosperity index (CRPI) is a comprehensive index that reflects the expected changes in the current retail industry.When CRPI is higher than 50%, it reflects that the retail industry expands from the previous month; below 50%, it reflects that the retail industry has shrunk compared with the previous month.CRPI includes three types of retail companies/platforms: commodity, leasing and e -commerce in the consumer field, covering many important indicators such as passenger flow, sales, rental income, and customer unit price.