China ’s official six departments jointly issued documents to formulate the development goals of computing power infrastructure. It is planned to reach 35%of intelligent computing power by 2025.

According to CCTV news reports, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Education of China, the National Health and Health Commission of China, the People's Bank of China, and the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council recently issued a joint calculationPower of high -quality development action plan for infrastructure.

The plan has set the main development goals of 2025, and proposes a comprehensive computing power comprehensive supply system, improves the efficient carrier capacity of computing power, strengthens the efficient and flexible guarantee of demand, deepen computing power to enable industry applications, promotes promotionThe development of green low -carbon computing power and strengthening safety security capacity building.

In terms of computing power, it is planned that by 2025, China's total power scale exceeds 300EFLOPS, and the proportion of intelligent computing power will reach 35%.EFLOPS refers to the number of floating -point operations per second to measure the speed of the computer.

According to Reuters, due to the need to calculate a large amount of artificial intelligence training, the expansion of computing power supply has become increasingly the focus of China's attention.

According to the plan, China will build more computing power centers such as computing power centers nationwide to provide services to the society.

Another focus of the plan is to improve the efficiency of network transmission, so that the delay of the important computing power infrastructure in the key hub nodes is not higher than 5 milliseconds.