The Chinese military issues documents to systematically regulate the treatment guarantee of military civilian personnel.

According to the China People's Liberation Army Daily reported on Saturday (October 7), the CPC Central Military Commission has recently issued a temporary provisions of the treatment of military civilian personnel and shall be implemented on October 15 this year.

It stipulates that in accordance with the newly revised regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Cultural Vocational Ordinance and the relevant policies of the country and the army, the provisions of the civilian staff are systematically standardized.

There are a total of 10 chapters and 55 articles, and in accordance with the idea of "integrated integration, system specifications", the current salary, housing, and medical treatment guarantee policies of civilian staff are integrated.

同时,规定根据文职人员新的身份定位,注重加强系统化制度设计,构建与国家机关事业单位工作人员制度相衔接、与军事职业特点相吻合,体现“优才优待、"Supervisor Award" Incentive -oriented treatment system.

It is reported that the promulgation and implementation of the regulations is of great significance for promoting the systemic construction of the treatment of civilian staff to ensure the systemicization of the policies and systems, improving the level of rule of law, and promoting the high -quality development of civilian staff.

The regulations of the civilian staff of the People's Liberation Army were approved by the State Council of the State Council of China and the CPC Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee, and it was promulgated and implemented in January this year.