In response to the Hong Kong media earlier, Alibaba Group intends to close Luo Hansang, a social science research institution that was established in 2018. The relevant person in charge of Alibaba responded, saying that the relevant rumors were false news.

According to the first CPPCC (October 9), in response to the recent rumors of "Ronaldo closed, Alibaba will fade out of social affairs," the relevant person in charge of Alibaba said that the news is notIn fact, Alibaba's attention and investment in digital economy innovation have never weakened.

上述负责人称,随着阿里巴巴集团进行业务重组,1+6+N组织变革持续推进,罗汉堂的组织关系、团队构成、工作重点有所调整,数字经济研究工作以及Luo Hantang's research ecology was continued by the Luohan Digital Economic Research Institute, and the Luo Hantang and Luohantang brand continued to exist.At present, the launch of new teams and new jobs is stepping up preparation and advancement.

The Hong Kong South China Morning Post on Saturday (7th) quoted people familiar with the matter and reported that Alibaba Group intends to close Luo Hantang, which was established in 2018.

It is reported that Alibaba Group's decision to close Luo Hantang has not been announced, and it has nothing to do with the group's business.People familiar with the matter said that some operations of Luo Hantang still retained in the group operation, including environmental, social and management research teams.