Financial Association, October 8th (Reporter Chen Ye) I have been trying to try to get out of the predicament Evergrande Motor, which has not been able to pay for it.

On October 8th, Evergrande issued an announcement on the resumption of trading in the stock. Although the main content of the announcement was that the stock will be resumed on October 9, but the announcement also mentioned that some of the outside world pays more concerned issues.Essence

The reporter consulted the relevant announcements and found that the problem was mainly concentrated in the changes in the reorganization of the overseas debt of Evergrande Group Evergrande Group, and the correlation of Evergrande Automobile after being adopted by Xu Jiayin, the board of directors of Evergrande Group.

On August 14 this year, Evergrande Motor announced that Newton Group invested 500 million US dollars to it, obtained 27.5%of Evergrande Motor's equity, and became one of its major shareholders.

According to the latest content disclosed by the announcement, after a number of changes in Evergrande's parent company Evergrande Group, it also received a letter from the subscribed Fangnunton Group on September 29.

Announcement revealed that based on a series of changes in Evergrande, Newton Group, as the subscribers of Evergrande Automobile, also suspended the relevant obligations in the previous subscription agreement.

At the same time, according to the transitional funding support agreement, due to the current prerequisites that lead to the prerequisites under the stock subscription agreement, Newton (Zhejiang) Automobile Co., Ltd. pays it to Evergrande New Energy Vehicle (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.The prerequisites for the two and the third funds were not met, and the funds provider temporarily had no obligation to pay the second and third funds to the fund receiving party.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the announcement, the subscription Fangnon Group hopes that Evergrande Motors will make clear responses on the issues that they care, including the Evergrande Group's debt restructuring plan involved in the shares of the shares.The plan is planned to launch a new reorganization plan; and China Evergrande, Evergrande Automobile, Creditors and related parties are willing to re -negotiate the adjustment of the adjustment of the proposal to the new reorganization plan.

Although the above questions have the above questions, Evergrande Motors stated in the announcement that the subscriber confirmed that the letter from the latest receipt of Evergrande Automobile from the subscriber did not constitute a notice to terminate the shares.The subscriber did not require the termination of the shares.

In addition, Evergrande Automobile also issued a letter to the subscriber on October 5, expressing his willingness to re -negotiate with the adjustment required by the subscription policy.

However, In the latest announcement, Evergrande Automobile has not re -adjusted the debt restructuring plan, or plans to launch a new restructuring plan for explanation.One of the most concerned about the main issues.

In fact, the reason why Newton Group pays more attention to Evergrande's overseas debt restructuring plan is related to Evergrande's previous overseas debt restructuring plan involving Evergrande Automobile.

Evergrande's previous overseas reorganization schemes revolved around the issuance of new bills, pledged and sold some of the shares of Evergrande Property and Evergrande Automobile.

According to the overseas debt reorganization plan announced by Evergrande, the Evergrande will deposit the shares of Evergrande Property and Evergrande in the securities account and pledge.Under the conditions, it was rescued and sold to strategic investors.When strategic investors sell Evergrande Property and Evergrande, they can trade with the proportion of corresponding equity hook notes.

In short, in response to the existing Evergrande bills, China Evergrande's debt repayment idea is to repay the debt of some creditors through the shares of Evergrande Property and Evergrande Automobile, that is, a certain amount of debt, that is, a certain amount of debtIn the future, it will be converted into the shares of Evergrande Property and Evergrande Automobile.

On the one hand, Evergrande intends to use Evergrande Automobile shares to pay debt, and on the other hand, Evergrande Automobile has signed a share transaction plan with Newton Group. Now, with the obstruction of overseas debt reorganization, it means that Evergrande AutomobileThe relevant conditions to reach the original trading plan with Newton Group are not met, which may be the main reason why Newton Group asked Evergrande.

From the price of 2 yuan in April this year, Evergrande acquired 47 residential and property development projects under Evergrande Automobile, and undertook the liabilities of about 24.789 billion yuan in these projects. As a parent company, Evergrande intends to helpEvergrande Automobile has gone out of the predicament. This time, Evergrande's overseas debt restructuring plan and how will the transaction plan of Evergrande Automobile and Newton Group will be adjusted? Whether Evergrande will help Evergrande as the parent company is worthy of attention.

According to the CCP reporter, it was learned from Evergrande's foreign creditors that Evergrande has not made a clear next move to it.Relevant creditors told reporters that their institutions currently hold Evergrande US dollar bonds, but the relevant debt restructuring matters are mainly entrusted to the trustee for processing, and the trustee has signed a relevant confidentiality agreement.

Earlier reporters reporters have previously reported that Evergrande overseas bonds, which have been restricted to transactions because of participating in overseas debt reorganization, have now returned to normal transactions.

(Chen Ye, a reporter from the Caizhong News Agency)