The Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun on Sunday (October 8th) emphasized the situation on the situation that China condemned all the violence and attacks on civilians, and called on all parties to maintain the maximum restraint to avoid further upgrading the situation in conflict.Real cease fire as soon as possible.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Zhang Jun said at the UN Security Council's urgent consultation on the situation of Pakistania that China expressed serious concerns about the fierce conflict of the Israeli Tongsha armed organizations, and deeply felt deeply in the prospect of further deterioration of the situation.concern.

Zhang Jun said that all parties are obliged to abide by international humanitarian laws to avoid attacks and destruction of civilian and civilian facilities.

He also said that the current ground situation is very fragile.China supports the Secretary -General of the United Nations and the relevant countries to perform medals to promote the situation as soon as possible.The Security Council should always take necessary actions to promote dialogue, achieve ceasefire, and restore peace.

Zhang Jun also emphasized that the reason why the situation in Pakistan and Israel has repeatedly trapped the crisis, "basically because the peace processes in the Middle East deviated from the correct track, the foundation of the two countries 'plans' is constantly eroding."" ".The international community and parties must focus on breaking the vicious circle, surpassing the crisis control of zero crushing, and make practical efforts to promote the "two countries' solutions" with the biggest urgency.