Although China's densely introduced property market favorable policies, the new house transactions in the "Golden Week" in October are still less than expected, and cities in various tier cities have intensified.Analysts predict that although the real estate policy still has room for further relaxation, after the "gold nine silver ten" with insufficient color, it is difficult for the Chinese property market to rebound significantly this year.

The Real Estate Research Institute's Middle Indication Institute issued a report on Saturday (October 7) that the long -term holiday of China Mid -Autumn Festival National Day (September 29th to October 6) this year, 35 new houses in China in China, the average daily transaction area of the new house in China is compared to last year.The Golden Week fell 17%, down 24%from the Golden Week in 2019.

In various cities, the overall transaction area of only first -tier cities has increased year -on -year.Among them, Shanghai and Guangzhou have rose more than 100%, while Beijing and Shenzhen decreased by 31%and 46%, respectively.The report pointed out that under the supply side of the real estate supply side, Shanghai and Guangzhou have risen emotions, and the viewing mood of buyers in Beijing and Shenzhen property markets is relatively strong, part of the reason is that they have strong expectations for continuing to optimize the regulatory policy.

On the other hand, the average daily transaction area of 14 key second -tier cities fell 14%year -on -year, and the transaction area of 17 third -tier and fourth -tier cities fell the largest year -on -year decrease, reaching 50%.

The monitoring data of the Zhuge Data Research Center shows that during the Golden Week period, 612 new commercial housing in 10 key, first, second -tier cities across the country was sold, an increase of 43.8%from the same period last year.Essence

After the four major first -tier cities have fully implemented the policy of "recognizing houses and not recognizing loans" since the end of August, September became the peak period for relaxation of the property market regulation in all parts of China.According to statistics from the Central Plains Real Estate Research Institute, in September, China has released a total of 175 real estate regulation policies.At present, the first set of houses have been implemented in various parts of China.


Danzi report shows that although the area of new commercial housing in the focus of 100 cities in September has increased by more than 10 % compared with August, it still decreased by about 20 % compared with the same period last year. The absolute scale is at a low level in the same period in recent years.The transaction area of first -tier, second and fourth -tier cities decreased by 21%, 16%, and 28%year -on -year, respectively.

The latest statistics of market research institutions Ke Rui pointed out that the top 100 housing companies across the country completed a total of 404.27 billion yuan (about 76.06 billion yuan) in September.A drop of nearly 30 %, the lowest value in five years.

Huang Tao, general manager of Guangzhou Central Plains Real Estate Project, accepted an analysis of the joint morning newspaper interview that because the policies of first -tier cities were relatively late, the effect of the local property market in the "Golden Nine Silver Ten" was significantly better than second- and third -tier cities.In addition, the overall economy and employment recovery are in areas, and the property market transactions are also faster and stable.

Although "Golden Nine Silver Ten" is insufficient, Huang Tao expects that this will be the only small climax to warn the property market after February and March this year.He said: "Although the property market policy can continue to be fine -tuned, the large framework has been determined. By November and December, competitive housing companies have finished their own inventory, and there is no inventory to promote it.I bought it almost. The new buyer is estimated that the income will not enter the market until the increase of the income next year. "

Chen Wenjing, the director of market research, predicts that the follow -up policy direction will be concentrated in reducing the down payment ratio of the first house and the second house, and the mortgage interest rate, the relaxation of purchase restrictions, and reducing transaction taxes and fees.For example, other first -tier cities cancel non -core regional purchase restriction measures like Guangzhou, or adjust the standards of ordinary residences.