The Deputy Ambassador of the Israeli Embassy in China, Yurevar Sunday (October 8), said that the plan to visit China, the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu, may be affected by the Pakistani conflict.

China International Television (CGTN) reporter group reported on Weibo account, Yuval Waks told CGTN reporters that Neutanahu was originally planned to visit China at the end of the year, but based on the current situation of uncertain visits, whetherCan go smoothly.Uvar also emphasized that China -Israeli relations are stable.

Chinese officials have called on the relevant parties to maintain calm restraint, immediately cease fire, protect civilians, prevent further deterioration of the situation, and profoundly concerned about the current tension and violence upgrades.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "The Palestinian -Israeli conflict is repeatedly staged, which fully illustrates the long -term stagnation of peace processes. The fundamental way out of Pakistani conflict lies in the implementation of the 'two countries' plan' and establish an independent Palestinian country.Society should enhance the sense of urgency, increase investment in Palestinian issues, promote the early recovery of peace talks between Battle and Asians, and seek a long -lasting peace. China will continue to make unremitting efforts with the international community. "

Another otherAccording to Reuters, Uvar told reporters that Israeli regards China as a friend and looks forward to China more condemned Hamas more strongly.

Vax also said: "When the people are murdered and slaughtered on the streets, they are not called for the implementation of the two countries' plans."