With the continued heating of Sino -Australian trade relations, Australia's cotton cotton exports in August has reached the highest level since nine years.

According to Reuters on Friday (October 6), Australian customs data show that in August, Australian cotton exports increased to 61,319 tons, worth $ 130 million (about S $ 178 million)It is the highest level since July 2014.

Data show that the total amount of cotton exported to China from June this year has gradually increased, of which 22,638 tons in June, in July, 45,619 tons.

When the diplomatic relations between China and Australia in 2020 are at a low point, China shall implement unofficial ban and tariffs on some Australian products such as lobster, cotton, and coal.After the current Australian Prime Minister Albanis took office last year, he worked hard to improve Australian -China relations.

From the end of 2020 to July this year, Australia exported only about three tons of cotton to China per month. At that time, China's textile factories were verbally instructed to stop buying Australian cotton.

China has gradually opened up Australian products from the second half of this year. The trade relations between the two countries have begun to warm up, but it has not yet opened Australian lobster imports.