The Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi held a press conference on Friday (October 6) and put forward 11 claims.Hou Youyi did not respond positively, but he said, "Chinese history is our root and should not be forgotten. After taking office, they will be carefully discussed."

According to Dongsen News, the Democratic Progressive Party has repeatedly edited the historical teaching class by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, and has been questioned and de -scholarship.The media asked Hou Youyi to review the basic education section of the 12 -year national national education.Hou Youyi said that this will be fully discussed in the Taiwan Education Conference. According to objective neutrality, open and transparent ways, in the face of the development of history, culture, society, and diversified ethnic groups, "but the history of the Republic of China and the Chinese culture are the roots.The part should not be forgotten, and it will be carefully reviewed in the syllabus. "

For the basic education of the 12 -year national, Hou Youyi said that after taking office, he immediately held a 13 -year -old education meeting to discuss the burden of students, test recruitment, increase the preparation of teachers, reduce the number of people in the class.As well as the issues related to the burden of teacher work and administrative reduction in educational constitution.

In addition, it also discusses issues such as improving teachers' salaries, teacher retirement systems, downward extension of national education, competitiveness and sustainable innovation of higher education.