The impact of factors such as the tension between Sino -Japanese relations and the prevention and control of the crown disease epidemic have fallen from the peak of 150,000 people to the lowest level of nearly 20 years in the past 10 years.

According to the Nikkei Chinese website on Thursday (October 5), the survey statistics from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs show that the Japanese living in China in 2022 decreaseTo 2066 people.Assuming that in 2023, the number of people in China will fall below 100,000 after 2005.

It is reported that this statistics is based on "reserved declaration". Some people have not submitted applications. Therefore, there may be more people in the actual number of people, but there is no change in the reduction of the trend.

The decline in the number of Japanese people in China was in 2012. In September of that year, Japan will be nationalized by the Shougang islands (known as the Diaoyu Islands). Anti -Japanese parade occurred in China. Japanese supermarkets and factories were destroyed.Due to the increase in uneasiness in China, the Japanese who lived in China in 2013 greatly decreased by 10%compared with 2012.

In recent years, the crown disease epidemic has prompted many Japanese people to return to China. Many Japanese companies have reduced to Chinese residents even after their lives have returned to normal.The Japanese are increasingly worried.

Report also pointed out that the predicament of Japanese car manufacturers in China may also lead to further reduction in the number of Japanese in China in the future. Among them, Toyota and Mitsubishi Motors have decided to decide employees in China joint venture companies this year.