In response to the launch of the second batch of Fukushima nuclear wastewater excretion on Thursday (October 5), a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded on the same day that he resolutely opposed Japan's unilateral discharge operation and called on the Japanese government.It should fully respond to the concerns of the international community.

According to a statement issued by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesAction unilaterally.

The spokesman reiterated again that the ocean is the common property of all mankind.The Japanese government should comprehensively respond to the concerns of the international community, and fully negotiate with neighboring countries with a sincere attitude to deal with nuclear waste water in a responsible manner.The international community should promote the establishment of a long and effective international monitoring arrangement and ensure the practical participation of stakeholders such as neighboring countries around Japan.

Japan's Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station launched the second round of nuclear treatment of the water -rowing sea programs on Thursday, and the entire emission process will last 17 days.

According to the data from Dongdian, the concentration of Tritium (Tritium) in the second round of the sea is significantly lower than the planning expectations. It is less than 1,500 Berkler per liter, and the Japanese standard is one -fourth.Both Tokyo Electric Power Corporation and Japan have emphasized that the concentration of radioactive substances contained in emission nuclear treatment water meets standards.

However, on the day of emissions, the Japanese fishery group asked the Japanese government to negotiate with China to resolve the topic of Japanese fishery exports. If China continues to ban Japanese seafood imports, the prices of sea cucumbers and abalone in Japan plummeted.