Typhoon "Little Dog" on Thursday (October 5) gradually stayed away from southeast Taiwan in the morning.Early warning.

Comprehensive report from the Taiwan United Daily report, the Taiwan Central Meteorological Agency announced at 2:30 am on Friday on Friday that the territorial typhoon alert was announced.According to monitoring, the "Little Dog" has floated to the sea of 320 kilometers west in the west of the goose nose on Friday at 8 am on Friday. It moves west at a rate of 8 kilometers per hour. The radius of the storm has also been reduced to 150 kilometers.

The Meteorological Department said that although the typhoon warning of the sea will be lifted at noon as soon as Friday, the circulation of the typhoon will continue to affect Taiwan in the next few days.Six counties and cities in New Taipei City, Pingtung County, Yilan County, Hualien County, and Taitung County will be descended.

In addition, the Meteorological Department notified that there will still be big waves on the sea and the Bus Strait near Taiwan, and there are long waves along the coast, especially the western half and Penghu, Golden Gate, and Matsu, the coastal is prone to three to five meters high.

According to the statistics of the Taiwan Central Disaster Response Center, as of 9 pm on Thursday, the "little dog" caused a total of 356 people in Taiwan and was injured by 356 people.865 households; part of the agricultural loss in Taiwan, including Taichung City, Yunlin County, Tainan City, Changhua County, Penghu County, a total of 6.56 million yuan (NT $ 270,000).