China Official Media Economic Daily posted on Friday (October 6) that the price reduction is not equal to the relegation. It is necessary to measure whether the car consumption is upgraded or downgraded.Changes in consumer concepts and consumer structure.Spending less money, you can buy the same configuration cars. In fact, it is not the relegation of consumption, but the hidden upgrade.

The article said that during the long vacation of the National Day holiday, consumers who visited the car market found that merchants have become more and more promoted.A car discount of thousands of yuan (RMB, the same below) abound, the price reduction tens of thousands or even 100,000 yuan is not a small number, which has aroused concerns about the downgrade of automobile consumption.

The article pointed out that the so -called downgrade of consumption means that when the individual can buy higher -grade goods or enjoy higher levels of services, the individual or family can reduce the level of consumption due to some reasons.Low -grade products, or enjoy the phenomenon of lower -level services.But the current car market consumption is not the case.

The article quotes the China Automobile Association data. In the first eight months of this year, China's high -end passenger car sales reached 2.796 million units, an increase of 17.7%year -on -year, much higher than the overall increase in the auto market.In contrast, sales and proportion of passenger car markets below 100,000 yuan have declined.This shows that consumption in the automotive market has shown a significant upgrade trend.

An article analysis, the reason why the upgrade trend has occurred, the proportion of purchasing purchase in the automotive market is gradually increasing.In the past ten years, the Chinese auto market is mainly for the first purchase, but in recent years, the first purchase model has basically entered the elimination cycle. These users have become the main force for the transition market.Compared with the first purchase of a car, the requirements of the car purchase owner have improved the budget of the car purchase budget, and it is more preferred to have more space models.Consumers have the pursuit of higher quality life, they hope to improve the driving experience and vehicle safety performance by replacing new cars.

The article also quoted the investigation report of McKinsey China Automotive Consumer Consumer in 2023. Taking the current main price section of 100,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan, more than half of the owners in the existing vehicle price range, more than halfThe interviewees said that the next -time models will consider higher prices when buying a car; among the car owners with the price of 150,000 to 200,000 yuan, nearly half of the car owners sayEssence

The article emphasizes that consumption can not only depend on whether the product is reduced in price, but also depends on whether its product power has changed.It is undeniable that many models sold in the market have decreased a lot than the same model in previous years.However, it is also necessary to see that its configuration has not changed, which is a market dividend that has brought about sufficient technological progress and supply.

To measure whether the car consumption is upgraded or downgraded, it depends not only on the change of the price, but also the changes in the concept of consumption and consumer structure.With the acceleration of electrification and intelligent transformation, people's recognition and acceptance of new energy vehicles are getting higher and higher.The article believes that the current increase in the penetration rate of smart electric vehicles is actually a promotion of consumer concept and consumer structure.

At the end of the article, in the whole, the automotive market has not so -called consumption downgrade in recent years, but has been in an upgrade state.Due to the improvement of material living standards and changes in consumer concepts, categories and segments are also being upgraded.There is no such thing as downgrade in automobile consumption.