The intensified international geopolitical competition, many disputes between regional countries, and the rise of nationalism and protectionism have made it difficult for Asian countries to cooperate and create a win -win situation.Asia must achieve potential through difficulties, and countries must show high -level politicians, and firmly determine that they focus on common interests.

New Prime Minister Li Xianlong on Thursday (October 5) On "In the conclusion, in his speech, he delivered a speech based on the title of "looking forward to the future of Asia", emphasizing that Asia is still a large potential and vibrant area.The GDP in Asia is expected to surpass the total in other parts of the world in the near future, and the economy of two Asian giants in China and India has continued to develop steadily.

But to achieve Asia's potential, appropriate conditions are required. The global and regional environment that has been stable in the past few decades is essential to Asia's vitality and prosperity.Li Xianlong said: "We hope that in the next decades, Asia can continue peace and economic development. But this is by no means inevitable. The future depends on what we do."

Asia must do three things well

He believes that Asia must do three good things: First, Asian countries must maintain and consolidate open and inclusive regional structures; 2. Deepen regional economic integration; 3. All countries must manage internal social and political development, and construction can be for construction.The stable society and the country contributed to the prosperity of Asia, and have a government that has been commissioned to carry out regional cooperation.

Li Xianlong said that Myanmar is an example that shows how domestic disturbance hinders regional cooperation and exports problems to neighboring countries.He emphasized that domestic stability is a prerequisite for effective foreign cooperation, and the foreign policy of a country will always depend on the support of domestic politics.

Li Xianlong also said that the win -win cooperation is in line with the interests of each country, but it must also be realized that there is difficulty in achieving this in the turbulent world.

Facing three major challenges in Asia

In his opinion, Asia face three major challenges.The first is the increasing geopolitical competition, especially between China and the United States.Li Xianlong believes that China and the United States do not seek conflict, but the differences between the two countries are very deep, and they are increasingly regarded as their opponents."The risks of accidents and misjudgments have always existed, especially in dangerous hotspots such as the Taiwan Strait. Asian countries are very concerned about this."

Li Xianlong said that "de -risk" can be understood, but "de -risk" itself is risky and cost, which may lead to economic division, and the consequences are not limited to the economic field.

But he does not think that the prospects are dark, because almost all countries hope to be friends with both China and the United States.Congress adopt policies that can allow them to move the most, so they will strive to maintain regional cooperation and keep regional opening up.Li Xianlong said: "This will be a more complicated area, but it is unlikely to split into two camps."

Li Xianlong also mentioned in the Q & A session that at least since World War II, the United States has been a major force in Asia, which has been nearly 80 years.While the United States occupies a dominant position in this region, it provides a space for growth, development and peaceful competition, rather than suppressed."This is why they are still welcomed after so many years. If the Chinese can achieve a similar state, I think this area can be prosperous."

The other two challenges faced by Asia are disputes between countries in the region, as well as the rise of nationalism and protectionism.

In addition to Sino -US relations and geopolitics, Li Xianlong also answered the issue of climate change, younger career choices, foreign intervention, India's role in the region, and the future vision of Asian Simpan.

The two -day "Asian Prospective Summit 2023" was co -organized by the three flagship newspapers under the New Newspaper and the Morning Post Strait Times Commercial Times for the first time.