Sichuan Wolong National Nature Reserve Management Bureau confirmed on Thursday (October 5) that female tourists have been dying in the water in Dengshenggou recently, and temporary controls have been adopted in the local area.

According to upstream news reports, a number of tourists recently posted pictures and videos that in the Deng Shenggou of the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Aba Prefecture, Sichuan, some tourists drowned and attracted attention.

A tourist Ms. Ai (pseudonym) posted a picture on Tuesday (3rd) that at about 2 pm on the same day, on the foot of Deng Shenggou, some people stepped on the water when taking pictures, and the water flow was very turbulent."(Falling water) took a picture on the stone and fell down. Hearing the son of the waterman's son crying and calling the family."

Ms. Ai said thatFemale tourists, after the incident, police and fire protection have launched rescue.Several tourists said that the female tourist had been found but died.

Some tourists introduced that Deng Shenggou is very beautiful. Many people will go to check in and take pictures, but it is not recommended to be near the water, because the water flow is turbulent and very cold.Recently, in addition to the female tourists drowned and died, there were also tourists lost, but fortunately recovered.

The upstream journalist contacted the Wolong National Nature Reserve Administration on Thursday. Relevant staff confirmed that there are indeed female tourists who have died in the water in Dengshenggou.Enter.

The staff also said that Deng Shenggou was a non -scenic spot, which belongs to the Ecological Experience Center. It can be entered for free before. There are staff guidance and relevant reminders.If tourists do a good job of safety protection according to the relevant prompts, there is no security problem to put safety awareness at all times.However, the water flows in the ditch are turbulent. If the tourists have to go to the water, it will be very dangerous when they meet the stones and fall into the water.

The staff of the Wenchuan County Cultural, Sports and Tourism Bureau replied that there was an accident in Deng Shenggou in the near future. The specific situation must be officially reported. It is not recommended that tourists go to Deng Shenggou to play in the near future.