Cover Journalist Hao Ying

On September 11th, a photo at a photo of the second small freshman parent meeting of the Guangzhou Development Zone attracted attention. The lecture on the leaders of the school in the photo showed that "remind a few things, do not complain at will, because the complaints can not be admitted to the test.high school".This statement aroused parents' dissatisfaction. The complaint stated that "the school leaders intimidated the students and hoped that the functional department would deal with it."

On the afternoon of September 11, the cover reporter called the Huangpu District Education Bureau of Guangzhou City on the above situation.The District Education Bureau replied to "Explanation of the Photos of the Second Little Parents' Conference on the Internet of Guangzhou Development Zone" as follows:

For the use of improper terms in the PPT of the Parents' Association of the Second Primary School in Guangzhou Development Zone, our bureau attaches great importance to and quickly conducts verification.After verification, on the afternoon of September 3, 2023, the No. 2 Primary School North Campus of the Guangzhou Development Zone held a new parent meeting. In the Parent Association PPT, there was indeed an improper use of "don't complain at will, because the complaints could not be admitted to high school".The original intention is to hope that parents can understand, support and include more at the school, and cultivate a good atmosphere of home -school co -education.

At present, our bureau has made serious criticisms on the parties, ordered the relevant person in charge of the school to make a written review, and do a good job of explaining to parents to eliminate misunderstandings.

Next, our bureau will take advantage of it to carry out the self -correction work of the educational system of the education system in the region, and to make a reform of the non -standard behaviors of the school's faculty and staff, and effectively implement the fundamental task of establishing the people.To do a good education for the people.

We sincerely accept the supervision of the majority of media, netizens, and parents, and thank society for their attention to the development of education in our district.