A Chinese scholar who studied in Australia was searched by the Australian police last month.

The Australian version of the Guard News On Sunday (September 10) reported that the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) and the Australian federal police searched the scholar's residence in Perth on August 20, and confiscated his mobile phoneAnd laptop has not returned so far.

The Australian Security Intelligence Organization also invited the scholar to attend a security assessment interview with his visa, but was rejected by the scholar.

The ACBC quoted sources that a few days before the search, a man who claimed to be from the federal government tried to provide the scholar with a cash of A $ 2,000 (S $ 1748) in Bristan, andI hope he can provide information in China, but the scholar refuses to receive it.The man also tried to invite him to meet again, but was also rejected by the scholar.

In addition, a woman introduced to the scholar in Sydney in July and invited him to attend the meeting.The scholar made a request to record the content of the conversation at the first meeting, but was rejected.He then refused to attend other meetings.

The Guardian said that they chose not to disclose the identity of the scholar, but said that the scholar was an associate professor from the main research university in China and an expert of a Sino -Australian relationship.

The associate professor visited Australia on July and 8th, and after being monitored in Australia, he abandoned several important meetings that can meet with Australian researchers and leave Australia in advance.