(Hangzhou Comprehensive News) Zhang Yong, the former chairman of Alibaba Group, known as the "Double 11" pusher, announced the post of chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group.He will set up a future -oriented technology fund and receive an investment of US $ 1 billion (S $ 1361 million) in Ali Group.

Comprehensive First Financial, Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg News, the chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group Cai Chongxin issued a full letter on Sunday (September 10).He is the CEO of the group.

At the same time, the board of directors of Alibaba stated that accepting the request of Zhang Yong's delegation as chairman of Alibaba Cloud and CEO, and appointed Wu Yongming to serve as chairman of Alibaba Cloud and CEO, and take effect now.

Cai Chongxin used the word "good grades" in the letter, highly evaluated and thanked Zhang Yong for his contribution and contribution in the past 16 years. The company will award him the first honorary title of "Ali" in the history of Alibaba Group.

It is reported that Zhang Yong will continue to be the partner of Alibaba Group. Alibaba will invest $ 1 billion to support him to set up a future -oriented technology fund to assist Ali's future layout.

After the news was announced, Alibaba's stock price fell more than 4%.Bloomberg pointed out that Zhang Yong's fading will bring uncertainty to Alibaba's future development.

As a Chinese science and technology giant, Alibaba launched the largest "1+6+N" organizational change in history in March this year.Growth track.

Zhang Yong said in June this year that he will devote himself to Alibaba Cloud's business. Alibaba Cloud is China's largest cloud service provider.As its second largest business, Alibaba is striving for Alibaba Cloud to go public next spring.