In the past two days, the hottest topic on the Chinese social media platform is: a 79 yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, S $ 14.7) is expensive?

In the past two days, there are no less than 10 hot search entries related to this eyebrow pencil, and the cumulative reading volume has exceeded 1 billion times.This kind of popularity, let alone the eyebrow pen manufacturer did not expect that even Li Jiaqi, an anchor of the e -commerce company who promoted the eyebrow pencil, would not expect that he was in a storm of public opinion.

Last weekend, Li Jiaqi introduced the eyebrow pencil of Chinese beauty brand Hua Nizi in a live broadcast of the goods. The price of a pen is 79 yuan.When I saw a message commented on a message saying that this brand was getting more and more expensive, Li Jiaqi asked with dissatisfaction: "Where is expensive? For so many years, this price is the price./P>

The auction on the side has been embarrassed, and Li Jiaqi can't help but embarrassed: "Sometimes I find myself for the reason. After so many years of wages, I have not risen, do I work seriously?"

The 30 -second clip before and after, quickly rushed to the top of the Weibo hot search list.Although Li Jiaqi posted a Weibo apologize that night, admitting that "something inappropriate and uncomfortable for everyone", most netizens did not buy it, and the account dropped 630,000 overnight.The most praised comments on this Weibo wrote: "You make money from ordinary people, and in the end to ridicule ordinary people's poverty."

Then there are netizens statistics that the average price per gram of Huoxi Zizi brow pen is more than 980 yuan, not only more expensive than many international big names, but even "how much to buy two grams of gold."Others pointed out that Li Jiaqi, known as the "top of the goods", had an annual net income two years ago by more than 1.85 billion yuan, and the daily salary was as high as 5.08 million yuan. "He has long been a high capital."

Li Jiaqi, who uses "speaking" as the core skills, now ignites his upper body because of his mischief, although he is arrogant and unobstructed.However, such a topic can trigger an uproar, which is also closely related to changes in the environment.Li Jiaqi is no longer a poor boy who started his family. China's economic and social environment has also undergone tremendous changes in several years.

Li Jiaqi, 31, after graduating from college in 2015, the first job after graduating from college was sold at the cosmetics counter. The following year, he stood out in the Taobao live broadcast competition.Care career.In just one year, his Taobao fans have reached hundreds of thousands, becoming TOP anchors of the Taobao Live Ceremony of the year.

In 2018, Li Jiaqi sold 14,000 lipstick red performance in one minute during the live broadcast, and set a world record of "the most popular redness to the most people in 30 seconds", which is famous.In the same year, "Double Eleven", he also sold red with the founder of Taobao and e -commerce, Ma Yun, and defeated each other without effort.

Li Jiaqi from the beginning to the red and purple, only two years before and after.Such a fast start is inseparable from his live broadcast for more than six hours a day. Each time he tried the diligence of nearly a hundred lipsticks in the live broadcast, it was inseparable from the rapid development of e -commerce in the past few years and the accelerated rise of domestic products brands.

The period when Li Jiaqi became popular is also the heyday of the Chinese Internet industry.The first job of many "post -95s" born is in the Internet manufacturer. Many of the "post -90s" that earlier they joined the job earlier have a home home in the big city, and they have risen with house prices. There are also luxury goods.Wait for non -consumption needs.

The dividend of the Internet era helped Li Jiaqi from selling a counter with a monthly salary of thousands of yuan, and it became a daily salary of millions of Internet celebrities.However, many frequent visits who patronized his live room did not achieve class leaps like him. Instead, in the next few years, a series of huge impacts such as crown disease epidemic and industry policy adjustment.

The changes in China in the past three years of the epidemic are evident from the current side: on the one hand, the record of 11.58 million college graduates of the recorded records entered the society.House prices in the strong first -tier cities have also been "cut", and major e -commerce platforms will no longer announce the sales performance of "618" this year.

The young people who couldn't find a job chose to lie flat after the rolling; the retired large factory employees shifted from "exquisite white -collar workers" to the downgrade of consumption.Even if the price of the eyebrow pencil is 79 yuan for many years, it naturally seems more and more expensive in the eyes of consumers with stagnation and decline in income.

Of course, it is not only the price of the eyebrow pencil that triggers the anger, but also Li Jiaqi's question.When the economic steaming day was over the past few years, asking people that "wages have not risen, do you have a serious work" will probably be regarded as a macrobina; at the moment of economic downturn, this sentence sounds like "why not eat meat".Early harsh.

Li Jiaqi blurted out, showing that he took it for granted that he would have a return, and he could raise his salary seriously.Li Jiaqi did succeed with his own efforts, but I do n’t know if he knew that too many people had worked hard over the years, and then he was serious and could not escape by the tide of the times.

In the first year after going out of the epidemic in China, boosting consumption is a top priority to the government and merchants.In the past one month, the official introduction to the promotion of consumption and expanding domestic demand in the past month, merchants also hope to open the sales channels in the sluggish market through the launch of the anchor of cargo.But from this point of view of the eyebrow storm, it is too difficult to rely on Li Jiaqi to stimulate consumption. It is not bad to not stimulate consumers.