Wang Weiheng, who Run Run and Wang Run who studied in Japan to the United States to start a new life. In the past two weeks, due to their different situations, it has aroused heated discussion among Chinese netizens.

Wang Yan died in the apartment in Japan on August 23, and was discovered as thin as firewood. Wang Weheng lost his job in the United States in August and bears a hospital bill of $ 5670 (S $ 7713).

Knowing how to look at Wang Yan's starvation, the number of views exceeded 24 million.An article that sorted out the first anniversary of Wang Weiheng Runmei. Once released, it broke the number of views of 100,000.

It is better to treat them as a hot review of Chinese netizens who are out of the country. This effect is better than the party's education; the real patriot: Qianli goes to the United States in the United States.

Time has disappointed Wang Yan?

Wang Yan was born in 1986. He was born in Guiyang, Guizhou. At the age of 16, he admitted to Jilin University's material molding and control engineering major. After that, he entered the School of Journalism and Communication of Wuhan University across the professional postgraduate entrance examination and graduated in 2009.

After graduating from a 23 -year -old master's degree, Wang Yan worked for more than 10 years in the Chinese translation community website translation, self -media elephant guild and other media, and went to Japan to study in Japan in 2020.

Regarding Wang Yi studying in Japan, an article published by the Global Person Magazine Public Account of the People's Daily wrote on September 5th that Wang Yi borrowed 200,000 yuan from relatives in 2020 (RMB, S $ 37,000),As an asset certificate applying for a Japanese visa.

The article also said that Wang Yan did not intend to pay the money, but ran to Japan, and said on social platform X (formerly known as Twitter) that he dared not face the debtor. I was a hooligan.

Regarding the cause of the death of Wang Yan, the well -known Chinese writer Wei Zhou (name Shen Maohua) who had known Wang Yi (real name Shen Maohua) had disappointed in her article in this era of social media that it was said to be anorexia, and mentioned that Wang Yan appeared since 2016Anorexia.

Judging from Wang Yan's selfie, she was already thin in June this year.Due to his weakness, Wang Yan fell twice in July.She posted a picture of the knee injury after falling on July 23, and I really gave up with the text, and continued to bed.


Wang Yan's two selfies showed that she was already thin in June this year.She gave the picture on the left: There was no Chanel bag, and in the summer, she had no pockets, and she hung her neck like when she was a child.(Take from Wang Yan Social Media X)

Wang Yan once expressed his desire for food. On July 18, he said that he had eaten frozen blue flowers for four days. On July 19, he said that he wanted to eat a ribs of pork ribs of winter melon soup. On July 31, the eel was so expensive.A photo of Pepsi sugar -free cola can't afford to buy other net red foods. When you posted on August 14th, you can eat roast goose and have a crying expression.

Wang Yan also received the food given by her classmates. On July 1, she exposed the bread given by her classmates and called it feed.But two days later, she tweeted again: Students who often feed me did not come in July.

Wang Yan sent her virtual currency account several times to ask netizens to make money to her, but on August 4, she tweeted that she could not pay tuition fees.

Evaluation of Wang Yan

The advice issued by Wang Yan's friends described that Wang Yan was smart, upright, and enthusiastic as children. It is an eternal collection of friends and a soul -like soul.

However, Wei Zhou's article also mentioned that Wang Yan's father signed an authorized letter to give up the corpse, and his daughter was directly processed as a bodies without a body.

On the Chinese Internet, Wang Yan was accused by netizens, mainly because of her past remarks.

She has repeatedly called China as a branch and expressed her wisdom to Japan. For example, when Beijing haze in Beijing last winter, she posted a Weibo: see today's PM2.5You can only eat radish, and it is worth it.

For another example, in August this year, she reposted a report that British was proud of colonialism and the British Empire, and commented why it was not, I hope I am a British; another month that China is reserving oil and food.Write the future of hungry.

Wang Yan's remarks and physical conditions made many Chinese netizens believe that Wang Yan was starved to death and threw her.

In Wang Yan's post, some netizens said that they would open champagne, and some people said that they were sitting up in dying disease. Hungry was actually my own darts.

However, netizens analyzed Wang Yan's multiple virtual currency accounts found that there was a profit on speculation, and there were thousands of dollars on the account. Even after her death, her account still had $ 4,867 on September 2.

Wang Weiheng and Glose

Compared to Wang Yan, Wang Weheng's moisturizing road is more twisted.He introduced himself in his YouTube account. He was originally from Hebei and was a veteran fireman.

According to the well -known financial blogger in the distance, Wang Weiheng flew to South America last August, and it took two months to turn around. In October, he crossed the United States and was locked up in the United States for two

Wang Weiheng has repeatedly made anti -China remarks and expressed his love for the United States. In April this year, a video out of videos about American donuts.

In the video, Wang Weiheng, wearing the US flag pattern baseball cap, said that the donut shop on the roadside is $ 20 a meal, but he can only afford $ 10.Add one more.

After the narration of the matter, Wang Weiheng said loudly: I'm so happy!I'm so happy!I really like the United States.

After Wang Weheng bought six donuts at $ 10, he recorded a video to express his joy.(Screenshot of Wang Weiheng YouTube Video)

Later, Wang Weheng's living conditions began to go downhill, from sleeping cars to sleeping tents, and then to find someone to borrow money to pay for rent on July 25.In August, his rent expired and unemployed. He also received the bills sent by the hospital after receiving the back pain in May, up to $ 5670.

Regarding Wang Weheng's dilemma, Chinese netizens ridiculed and said, saying that he was a purebred traitor Wang Hua's circle of jokes to sell iron to sell iron to the United States to experience a underlying life.

Wang Weiheng sent a tweet to return to Chinese netizens: No matter how difficult it is, it will be difficult for two months, and the work card will take off directly.

Although it was difficult to protect, Wang Weiheng also tweeted on September 3 after seeing the news of Wang Yan's death in Japan, expressing shock, regret, and heartache.

Run is not fragrant?

The well -known data platform Macrotrends data shows that China's population relocation rate has risen in the past 10 years. From 0.224 people per 1,000 in 2013, it increased to 0.256 people per 1,000 in 2023.

The situation of Wang Yan and Wang Weheng has triggered some netizens to regain last year's Internet hot words.

Last year, under the Chinese epidemic prevention policy, Chinese characters, which are spelled like English words RUN, were given new meaning, which meant to run, open, and immigrate overseas.

According to the WeChat index, on April 3 last year, China officially announced that it strictly insisted on the strict social society, and the overall search index about immigrants increased by 440%that day.

It is difficult to estimate how many people who are really moist.However, according to data from the Panama Immigration Bureau, as of July 30, this year, the Darien Gap (The Darien Gap) of Panama and Colombia has been smuggling to the United States, which has reached 248,000.There are 8500.

According to the private wealth migration report released by London Investment Consulting Henley Partners in June this year, China is expected to have a high asset person with a value of more than $ 1 million in overseas this year, an increase of 25%from last year.

There are also some immigration tutorials for ordinary people. For example, an Runxue immigration tutorial given to the poor, more than 3,800.

Wang Weiheng and Wang Yan are also different from China and the country where they go in different ways. It is difficult for these cases to represent the group who choose to leave China in recent years and their lives.

But the stories of the two have happened in the past two weeks, causing Chinese netizens to discuss Runxue.Some public opinion also believes that the experience of the two is the best persuasion, and poured a pot of cold water for those who want to go abroad.

Under the environment of weak economic recovery and rising youth unemployment rates, Wang Weiheng and Wang Yan encountered a placebo for many netizens.However, after a round of ridicule and ridicule, many reality will not change, and life will continue.