In response to the wrong remarks of British officials in China, the Chinese embassy spokesperson in the UK responded to urging the British to stop anti -Chinese politics and put more energy on solving their own issues.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, when British officials stated on Monday (September 11) on the "Chinese spy" case on the parliament, they criticized China to infringe human rights in Xinjiang and Hong Kong.The Chinese Sea implemented coercion and intimidation, claiming that China ’s question of the values of Britain and the United Kingdom constituted a“ systemic challenge ”. The Chinese embassy spokesman in the UK made the above response in the form of a reporter.

The spokesman said that the British side ignored the facts, reversed black and white, and rudely interfered in China's internal affairs. China resolutely opposed it and strongly condemned it.

A spokesman pointed out that China has always been the builder of world peace, the contributor to global development, and the maintenanceer of the international order.China practice mutual respect, treat each other, and does not interfere with the principles of internal affairs, and promote the construction of a community of human destiny.It is said that China ’s challenges to the values of Britain or the United Kingdom are completely nonsense.

The spokesman emphasized that the issue of Xinjiang and Hong Kong involved is purely China's internal affairs, and no external forces have no right to interfere.On the issue of the South China Sea, the actions adopted by China to safeguard national sovereignty and marine rights and interests are legitimate. As a foreign country, the United Kingdom should respect China and the Asian and Asian (China -called ASEAN) countries to maintain the peace and stability of the South China Sea, rather than malicious pickingNothing.

The spokesman finally urged the British side to stop using the topic, stop interference in China's internal affairs, stop anti -China politics, and put more energy on solving their own problems.