Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, when attending the G20 meeting of the G20 (G20) on Saturday (September 9), called on the group members of the group to adhere to the initial intention of combining the combination and promote the global economic recovery and sustainable development.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Prime Minister Li Qiang of the State Council of China attended the first stage of the first stage of the G20 leader summit held in the New Delhi of the Indian capital on Saturday morning and delivered a speech.

Li Qiang pointed out that members of the Gutan 20 should adhere to the initial intention of the unity and combine work, and carry out the responsibility of peace and development.Everyone must effectively strengthen the coordination of macroeconomic policy, convey confidence in world economic growth, provide motivation, and be partners to promote the global economic recovery.

He called for everyone to firmly promote economic globalization, jointly maintain the stable and smooth supply chain of the global industrial chain, and be partners to promote global open cooperation.The marine ecological environment is a partner to promote global sustainable development.

Li Qiang also hopes that everyone should unite not to split, do not fight against them, tolerate not to reject it.

Li Qiang emphasized that China will unswervingly deepen reforms, expand openness, promote high -quality development, and promote modern Chinese -style modernization.China's development prospects will be bright and will inject more new kinetic energy into the global economic recovery and sustainable development.

At the invitation of the Indian government, Li Qiang arrived at New Delpram Air Force Airport on Friday (8th) to attend the G20 Leadership Summit.