Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, emphasized during the inspection of Heilongjiang that it is necessary to firmly grasp the strategic positioning of the national development situation, twist the primary task to promote high -quality development, and create a new situation in Heilongjiang's high -quality development.He asked Heilongjiang to lead the industry with scientific and technological innovation to lead the industry and be a good "cockpit stone" for national food security.

According to CCTV reports, Xi Jinping went to Daxinganling, Harbin and other places from September 6th to 8th, and went to the post -disaster recovery site to visit and condolences to the affected people.

It is reported that Xi Jinping went to Longwangmiao Village, Jiwang Temple, Jiwang Township, Laoshi Township, Shangzhi City, Shangzhi City, Harbin.

Xi Jinping said that he has always been concerned about the affected people. Shangzhi City was more serious in the disaster. Seeing the recovery and reconstruction after the disaster, the villagers lived in the lives and were guaranteed.

He requires to ensure that the affected people are warm and warm the winter. The local party committee and the government must act in advance to consider the things that are related to the production and life of the masses more detailed and comprehensive, and leave without leaks;Accelerate post -disaster reconstruction, minimize agricultural losses due to disaster, and ensure the safety of the affected people.

Xi Jinping also visited Harbin Engineering University on Thursday morning. He emphasized that Harbin Engineering University should carry forward the fine traditionEstablish new merit.

Xi Jinping on Friday (8th) after listening to the work report of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, saying that it is necessary to lead the industry's comprehensive revitalization with scientific and technological innovation, solidly promote the high -quality development of advanced manufacturing, and accelerate the upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry.Give full play to the role of incremental increasing device in scientific and technological innovation, comprehensively improve the three industries, continuously optimize the economic structure and adjust the industrial structure; integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, lead the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of new productivity.

He proposed that it is necessary to improve the core competitiveness of state -owned enterprises, lead the healthy development of the private economy, build a number of industrial clusters, and become bigger and stronger.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Heilongjiang should be a good "stones" in the country's food security, and focus on the development of modern large agriculture, accelerate the constructionEquipment modernization, modernization of science and technology, modernization of management management, agricultural informatization, and resource utilization.

He also mentioned that it is necessary to build a new highland open to the north, better coordinate trade, investment, channels and platform construction, and boldly explore in market access, factor flow, and institutional openness.Try first to form a new pattern of opening up in all aspects; to strengthen the innovative development of open platforms such as the Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, in -depth integration of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and actively participate in regional cooperation.