In the face of the severe situation of European and American orders and domestic private investment, the Chinese government announced on Monday (September 4) that the private economy development bureau will be established in the National Development and Reform Commission.Development and growth, promote the early landing and effective results.

Since the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council released "Article 31 of the Private Economy" (the full name on promoting the development and growth of the private economy) on July 19, multiple departments have issued documents densely to declareIn many aspects of market supervision and intellectual property protection, multi -pronged approach promotes the development and growth of the private economy, and the establishment of the private economic development bureau is the latest trick.

However, the official beauty was immediately interpreted by the people.In the afternoon of Monday, there was a sticker circulating on the WeChat circle of friends with seven large characters: "Set up a bureau for private enterprises." The dual levels and strong irony contained in it make people laugh and helpless.

In Chinese, the word "bureau" refers to both the unit, but also the trap and trap.The official intention is to convey a strong signal that pays attention to the private economy. As a result, a phrase "specially set up a bureau for private enterprises", but it shows the subtle resistance of the audience: the support in your (government), may be a trap to me, in the words, saying thatIn the meaning, private enterprises have to be careful not to be pitted.

The trembling of private enterprises, or suspicion and ridicule, is not without reason.

Objectively speaking, the formation of Chinese private enterprises' doubts about the government has been for many years. The mentality of many democratic business owners is that the government thinks of private enterprises. Most of them are not good, and this doubt has continued to increase in recent years.

In June 2016, the Ministry of Education of China was "set up" for off -campus education and training, called the Department of Education and Training Supervision, and was responsible for managing off -campus education and training in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.One month later, the "double reduction" policy was born, and it brought about almost the entire industry, and many private education centers were tragically destroyed.

When the crown disease epidemic entered the third year last year, many places said that the city was sealed and the city was sealed. SMEs that could not be survived were forced to close their doors. Among them, there were many small and medium -sized owners who started to be knocked down.No one can help or feel distressed.By this year, the international trade situation is even more severe, and the industrial chain has moved out, and the manufacturing industry of foreign trade companies and coastal areas is the first.In the first half of the year, Chinese private investment decreased by 0.2%, which clearly highlighted how sluggish expectations were.

I have been in Beijing for many days recently, and the atmosphere of downturn can be performed.People in Beijing generally have no problem, and they are not bad for eating, but they still encounter a small boss who can't do business when they go out to call business.Talking about the "Tianjin Diving Uncle", who was stopped last week, a friend interpreted: "This is not what everyone is doing, otherwise so many people will not go to work on the side of the bridge during the day.It's just stopped. "

The experts quoted by the mainstream media in China also admitted that the expectations of private entrepreneurs are still weak.Although the official endorsement of private enterprises three times and five times, the "Article 31 of the Private Economy" mentioned that "the private economy is an important foundation for promoting the modernization of Chinese -style modernization." It is an important foundation for high -quality development. """ ".However, what the market needs to see is more effective.

From this perspective, China's establishment of a private economic development bureau can have positive significance.According to the official introduction, this "Development Bureau" will follow up and understand and analyze the status of research and judgment, coordinate, organize and formulate policies and measures, establish a normalized communication mechanism with private enterprises, coordinate and solve major issues of the development of the private economy, coordinate and support the enhancement of the private economy improvementInternational competitiveness.

Before this, among the government functional departments of the Central and local governments of China, only departments of the China Merchants Bureau, the Municipal Supervision Bureau, and other departments that manage and manage the private economy. The new institution is called the "Development Bureau" of the Private EconomyIt should be a good thing to promote the development of the private economy as the government's own affairs.

The problem is that if you really want to solve the problems encountered by the private economy and support private enterprises to enhance international competitiveness, you can do it even without this bureau.Everyone is also worried that after this "bureau", the government will more systematically interfere with the development of the market and the development of the private economy, but will make private enterprise space more limited.

The government's leading private economy may also cause other hidden dangers, such as forming new power rent -seeking space, or a large private enterprise that supports different private enterprises.

Over the years, China has created a broad government under the "party leadership". The scope of government administrative power has become wider and wider.The transparent rules and the expected environment, China still needs to work harder in many aspects.

Chinese scholars pointed out that the most important problem facing private enterprises is not what major loopholes exist in the existing policy framework, but some invisible "glass doors" and "spring doors".A fair environment.

If the above situation is not improved and does not really cherish and protects private enterprises, no matter how much the official announcement, it may be on cotton like a fist.Today, a "bureau" is set up. If it cannot be played, it may not constitute a trap, but it will further eliminate the confidence and expectations of the people.