TSMC Chairman Liu Deyin, on Wednesday (September 6), attended the "Semicon TAIWAN 2023 International Semiconductor Exhibition" Master Forum (CEO Summit).However, as soon as he was asked, Mainland China Telecom giant Huawei new mobile phones used medium -core seven -nano -chip (also known as chip), which showed that under the sanctions of the United States, the mainland still broke out. "Does this chip see the shadow of TSMC?"Said categorically: "No!" Then the last sentence "no longer continue to comment."

Under the ban on the United States, TSMC "disconnected" Huawei chips in September 2020, which led Huawei mobile phone revenue to fall thousands of feet.Three years later, Huawei's new mobile phone Mate 60 Pro was born on August 29 without publicity. The speed of the Internet not only reached 5G levels, but also had functions such as satellite telephones, which shocked the world.

When Huawei released a new mobile phone, US Secretary of Commerce Raymond Doro was visiting the mainland.Raymond was listed as the host of the American entity list at that time. He had threatened Huawei if he continued to develop 5G and chip development, and he would impose more severe sanctions.Therefore, mainland netizens made Raymond Doro hand in hand with Mate 60 Pro publicity photos, and satirized that Raymondo was the best spokesperson for Huawei's new mobile phone.

Technically, after disassembling, it is found that the Mate 60 Pro is jointly joined by Huawei and SMIC to break through the US scientific and technological blockade with the most advanced seven -nanometer process technology.

Lu Xingzhi, a well -known semiconductor analyst, pointed out that under the leadership of CEO Liang Mengsong, SMIC has a major breakthrough in the technology and production capacity of Qi Nano process and must not be ignored.

Experts here believe that SMIC should use deep ultraviolet light (DUV) equipment for multiple exposure, but the manufacturing time, high cost, and limited yield.

Wang Pingjing, deputy dean of the China Institute of Economics, analyzed on public TV programs that the seven -nano -chip was repeatedly exposed with DUV, and the yield must be 70 % to 80 % to make money.However, the mainland thinks from the national security level. It will not consider the cost effect. The yield is insufficient, which does not mean that it will not continue.

"Because below the seven nanometers is a watershed, five nanometers are necessary vehicles for quantum operations, including AI, 5G, military weapons and missiles.Although commercial use cannot be compared with TSMC, but if you use DUV to slowly achieve five nanometers, the missiles such as China (mainland) will not be suppressed by the United States in the future. "

In addition, the production ratio of mainland manufacturers of Huawei mobile phone Mate 60 Pro reached 90%, mostly the "red supply chain", and there are only a few steady and Dili Guang left.This also caused the gap between the Taiwan semiconductor industry on the cross -strait semiconductor industry.

Apple's new mobile phone iPhone15 is ready to sell next week. Because of Huawei's new mobile phone sales and rumors, the mainland prohibits central government agencies from using iPhone during his work. Apple has recently fallen sharply, with a market value of nearly US $ 200 billion (S $ 272.7 billion), TSMC and other major suppliers have also plunged.

Chen Ziang, a senior industrial consultant, told Lianhe Morning Post that because the gross profit margin was getting lower and lower and gradually withdrew from the mobile phone assembly, the Taiwan plant had little impact."What really pay attention to is that Huawei's new mobile phone has the first to support satellite telephones. These capabilities are used in self -driving, smart robots, and Huawei ChatGPT, which is shocking to the world."

He emphasized that Huawei's satellite telephone leads the world. The large artificial intelligence and Hongmeng operating system 4.0 used by Huawei are all future applications that make people's eyes bright. For example, most of the current development of artificial intelligence is standing in Openai.However, Huawei's Pangu market is large and large. Taiwan software companies will develop applications in the future and will face the choice of border selection stations. "