Dongguan, Guangdong, China, to develop into a new engine for cross -strait industrial innovation and development.The latest approval plan of the State Council of the Chinese State Council also proposed that Taiwan compatriots and enterprises should be guided to cooperate with the construction of a modern industrial system and build a common market on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

According to the news released by the National Development and Reform Commission on Thursday (September 7) in the WeChat public account, the State Council approved the implementation of the overall plan for the implementation of Dongguan to deepen cross -strait innovation and development cooperation.Three major areas of people's livelihood.

Among them, in the construction of a modern industrial system, the plan proposes to promote the promotion of Taiwan -funded enterprises to accelerate transformation and upgrading, cultivate and strengthen strategic emerging industries, build cross -strait scientific and technological cooperation and exchange bases, enhance the scientific and technological innovation momentum of Taiwan -funded enterprises, promote scientific and technological achievementsTransformation and transformation, new space for industrial development, etc.


Plan also proposes that Dongguan will be made into a new engine for cross -strait industrial innovation and development, a new highland for cross -strait scientific and technological innovation cooperation, and a new hub for social humanities exchanges on both sides of the strait.

The relevant person in charge of the China National Development and Reform Commission said that the plan clearly released a policy signal to deepen cross -strait innovation and development cooperation.

It is known as the "World Factory" Dongguan. It is one of the most densely invested areas of Taiwanese businessmen to invest in mainland China. It gathers a large number of Taiwan electronics and components, metal products, electrical machinery and other companies.However, after the global financial crisis in 2008, Dongguan was facing the pressure of industrial relocation and transformation, and it continued to report that "Taiwanese businessmen's evacuation" and "Taiwan -funded enterprises closed down".

Liang Weidong, then the mayor of Dongguan, responded in 2017 that there were indeed a few Taiwanese enterprises closed and relocated, but the structure of Taiwan -funded enterprises in Dongguan was continuously optimized.High end".

According to official data, as of now, Dongguan has exceeded 3,800 Taiwan -funded enterprises, about 50,000 people who live in Taiwanese, and more than 5700 Taiwanese students have been studying locally.

Zuo Liancun, a professor of economics at the University of Foreign Studies from Guangdong, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Dongguan, as an important "base camp" as a Taiwanese businessman on the mainland, is one of the most active regions of Taiwanese enterprises.In the advantages, the pilot exploration and deepening cooperation between Taiwan in Dongguan will help further promote cross -strait economic cooperation and cultural exchanges.

Zuo Liancun believes that the "Dongguan Plan" gives Dongguan development opportunities, while promoting the development of cross -strait economic cooperation relations, it will also help urban development to a new level, which is a rare development opportunity for Dongguan.

As a manufacturing city, Dongguan is creating a "strong city of science and technology manufacturing". In the special documents issued by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government of the Communist Party of China last year, it proposed to support Dongguan to build frontier scientific and technological innovation highlands and high -quality development of manufacturing.Four strategic positioning such as the demonstration area.The official also called for Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises that play an important role in Dongguan's economy to integrate a new pattern of development.