A high -pressure gas spray accident occurred in Ordos, China Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, causing 10 deaths and three injuries. The local official officially established an investigation team to investigate the cause of the accident, and pursued the personnel who involved illegal crimes and misconduct.

According to CCTV news reports, Ordos held a press conference on Friday (September 8th) in the Investigation Office of the "September 7" production safety accidents in Ordos to report on the afternoon of Friday (September 8) to report on the work of accident rescue and wounded treatment.

Zhang Zhongping, the flag commander of the People's Government of Hangjinqi in Ordos City, said that after the accident, the autonomous region, city, and flag -level three -level emergency plan was set up.Eight special working groups such as disposal and logistics support are carried out in accordance with the division of responsibilities.

Zhang Zhongping said that after the accident, the local rescue vehicles were dispatched and 169 staff members arrived at the scene for search and rescue, and the on -site control and personnel were evacuated at 4 pm.The personnel have been transferred to the People's Hospital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and received further diagnosis and treatment. Two hours later, local organizations organized emergency, environmental protection, housing construction and other departments and related experts to comprehensively test the air quality and construction safety of the accident site to prevent secondary births from secondary life.The accident occurred.

The People's Government of Hangjinqi has also established an accident investigation team consisting of emergency, public security, fire protection and other departments, and transferred authoritative experts in the chemical industry to thoroughly investigate the cause of the accident.Responsible personnel.

Hangjin Banner Duguitra Industrial Park Yiding Ecological Agricultural Development Company Gas Chemical Workshop on Thursday occurred at 3:40 pm, a high -pressure gas spray accident, resulting in a number of staff members who operated at the high place at the scene.Spray.The accident killed 10 people on the spot and the three were injured.

It is reported that the company involved has been punished by administrative penalties many times from 2016 to 2018 for its hidden safety hazards.60%of the controlling shareholders Yilienene Co., Ltd. also recently became the executed person, with the target of RMB 27.256 million (about S $ 507,800).