After China intends to expand the scope of Apple's mobile phone disable, Apple's stock price plummeted for two days. Thursday (September 7) closed down 2.9%, setting the largest single -day decline in 11 months, and became a manifestation of the Dow Jones Industrial and Commercial Index.The worst stock.

The Wall Street Journal quoted on Wednesday (September 6) that people familiar with the matter said that officials of Chinese central government agencies received instructions that they could not use Apple mobile phones and other foreign brands equipment in their work, nor should they be brought into the office.

After the report was issued, Apple's stock price fell for two consecutive days, with a market value of $ 20 billion (S $ 272.7 billion).

A new news that affects Apple's stock price is also the new news of competitors.In the United States, Huawei, which was targeted at the United States, sold the Mate 60 series new mobile phones at the end of August. The sales were extremely hot. Some analysts predict that this will reduce Apple's shipments at least 10 million units.

For Apple, the bad news followed before the new iPhone was released.What worry investors is not only the sales of iPhone, but also under the pressure of geopolitical China and the United States, the development of technology companies represented by Apple is becoming increasingly difficult.

Civil servants do not need iPhone's unwritten regulations

Nikkei News reported on Friday (September 8th) that China ’s disability on Apple mobile phones has expanded to local governments and state -owned enterprise staff.

Chinese officials did not respond to this matter.However, in social media, using iPhone civil servants as keyword search, some netizens can find some netizens say that the unit suddenly does not let the iPhone post.

In the response to these posts, most of them mentioned that it has been unwritten regulations in the past few years without non -national production machines, especially in the past few years.Some netizens said that at the time of admission training, they were reminded to use domestic machines as much as possible; but some netizens said: Ordinary employees do not matter, but leaders at or above the office will use Huawei.

Some netizens posted on the social media Xiaohongshu saying that the unit suddenly notified not to use Apple mobile phones.(Internet)

On the Chinese civil servant examination information and data website civil servants examination network, for the question of whether the national civil servants can use Apple mobile phones, there is a message for examination coaching: as a national civil servant should have a necessary awareness of security and confidentiality, it is best not to use a mobile phone for foreign brands.

The Wall Street Journal said that the Chinese government has always restricted officials using iPhone in their work, and new instructions indicate that Beijing needs to ensure the disabled iPhone's regulations are strictly implemented.

The report pointed out that in the context of the Sino -US science and technology war, this measure is not only to reduce dependence on foreign science and technology, but also to strengthen network security and restrict sensitive information out of overseas.same.

Increased competitive pressure under domestic alternative trend

Apple's greater challenge lies in the overall decline of mobile phone consumption. As a foreign brand, how to maintain competitiveness in the ordinary Chinese consumer group.

The market research agency Counterpoint report shows that as of the second quarter of this year, the global smartphone market has fallen for eight consecutive quarters. The sales volume of smartphones in the Chinese market decreased by 4%year -on -year, a record low in the second quarter since 2014.Apple has maintained a growth in this quarter, but the market is not optimistic about the upcoming iPhone15 series mobile phones in the early morning of Tuesday (September 13) next Tuesday (September 13).

Luo Yonghao, the founder of the former hammer mobile phone, said in the live broadcast last Sunday (September 3) that the iPhone15 is not different from the previous generation iPhone14, except for the serial number changes.In this regard, many netizens agreed and said that from the iPhone13 launched in 2021, the innovation of Apple mobile phones could not be seen.

Luo Yonghao said in the live broadcast that he believes that the iPhone15 of Apple's new machine is not different from the current iPhone14.(Internet)

According to the Taiwan Electronics Times, Apple reserved 80 million to 90 million iPhone15 series mobile phones in the second half of the year in August, which was lower than the 90 million to 100 million iPhone14 ordered by the company in the same period last year.It can be seen from the reservation volume that Apple itself is not optimistic about the sales of new machines.

On the other hand, the market is very interested in Huawei new mobile phones.Huawei Mate 60 Pro is equivalent to the current iPhone. It supports 5G and starts at 6499 yuan (S $ 1208), which is cheaper than iPhone.More importantly, Huawei's new machine is said to use the domestic 7 -nanometer process chip, which is considered to break through the US technology blockade and stir up the patriotic enthusiasm of Chinese consumers.

Bloomberg pointed out that the recovery of Chinese nationalism allows consumers to avoid the iPhone and other foreign brands. It may be Apple's biggest potential threat.

Financial Network launched a vote on Weibo and asked if you will transfer to Huawei from the iPhone this year. Of the 130,000 participants, 43%of the people said. launched on Weibo that this year will you transfer to Huawei from the iPhone? 130,000 people participated, 43%of the voters said that three adults said they would not change, and 20%said that they did not change the new mobile phone.(Weibo screenshot)

Tianfeng International Analyst Guo Mingzheng posted on Tuesday (September 5) on social platform X (first Twitter) in the early morning of the morning, predicting that the shipment of Mate 60 Pro will reach 12 million units a year after the release.In 2023, the shipping volume will increase by about 65%year -on -year to 38 million units.

A senior analyst of an investment company Oppenheimer estimates that due to the influence of Mate 60 Pro, Apple's iPhone shipments in 2024 may decrease by 10 million units, equivalent to 4.5% of the total shipments of the iPhone last year.Essence

It is difficult for technology companies to be alone

Like Apple, there are many technology companies facing geopolitics and domestic replacement dual pressures, such as Qualcomm and Tesla.They attach importance to the Chinese market, but they cannot be alone in the friction of large powers.

About one -fifth of Apple's income came from the Chinese market. In the past few years, in order to meet regulatory requirements, Apple has made adjustments and compromises many times.

For example, at the end of last year, China broke out with a white paper movement that opposed epidemic prevention and control. Some protesters spread slogans and protest videos through the AirDrop function of Apple mobile phones;10 minutes.For another example, under the official request of 2021, Apple removed the Coco Sutra in the app store.

On Weibo, it has become a hot search topic.Some netizens said that they are still patriotic feelings for changing Huawei; some netizens said that they will not change the iPhone.(Weibo screenshot)

But these measures cannot change Apple as an American company.Sino -US relations have wandered in the lows of decades, and both countries attach more importance to national security and worry about data leakage.Reuters pointed out that the restrictions on Apple show that even a company that has a good relationship with the Chinese government and has huge business in the Chinese market cannot avoid being affected by the continuous intensive situation between the two countries.

Civil servants' iPhone ban, and whether Huawei's new machine market will shake the position of Apple, it remains to be observed.However, the evaporation of Apple's stock price and the popularity of Huawei's new machines have made investors realize that the vulnerability of technology companies in the game of major powers, and the increasingly heavier role of political and national emotions in business.