(Jakarta Comprehensive) When meeting with Indonesian President Zako, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang promised to expand the import of commodities and agricultural and fishery products in Indonesia. Zoko invited Chinese companies to participate in the construction of Nushan Dala in the new capital.

Li Qiang, who was visiting Indonesia on Friday (September 8), met with Zako in Jakarta.According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang urged the two countries to grasp their fundamental and long -term interests in the meeting, and increased support for each other's core interests and major concerns.

In terms of expanding pragmatic cooperation, Li Qiang promised that China will expand the import of commodities and high -quality agricultural and fishery products in Indonesia and encourage Chinese companies to invest in Indonesia to develop business; China also supports the construction of the new capital of Indonesia.New engines such as development.

According to the news released by Reuters's office, Zoko specially invited Chinese private and state -owned enterprises to participate in the construction of the new Indonesian capital when meeting; both parties also discussed the issue of flight connections between the two countries.

Zoko announced the relocation plan in 2019. The construction of the new capital is expected to cost $ 32 billion (about S $ 43.6 billion).

According to Antara News Agency, Zoko also told Li Qiang at the meeting that the talks reflected the "firm commitment to comprehensive strategic partnerships."

China and Indonesia's high -level interaction in recent years. Zoko visited China twice in July last year and July this year. Chinese officials also attended the G20 summit of the G20 (G20) summit in Bali, Indonesia last November last November.

During this visit to Indonesia, the two sides signed a number of bilateral cooperation documents such as industrial, agriculture, fishery, e -commerce, and scientific and technological innovation.