(Beijing Bloomberg) The Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce said that the efforts of China's revitalization of private sector are not enough to help foreign companies and the economy that supports trouble.

The Chinese government has strengthened its efforts in the past month to help private enterprises, including colleagues with private enterprises and state -owned enterprises, and invite entrepreneurs to consult with entrepreneurs when formulating corporate policies, planning, and standards.A plan was also announced on Wednesday (August 2nd) to encourage the public to report clues that hinder the development of the private economy.

But the EU Chamber of Commerce Chairman Jens Eskelund said that foreign companies have shown signs of "committing fatigue" and have doubts about whether the official will introduce meaningful policies.

He pointed out in an email that the Chamber of Commerce has not seen Chinese officials' signs of structural reform to solve the fundamental challenges facing the Chinese economy, and allow foreign and private enterprises to exert its potential for supporting the Chinese economy.

After experiencing a strong start of this year, China's recovery is slowing down.In July, China's economic activities lost more motivation, the manufacturing industry contracted again, and the service industry was weak.In response, Beijing promised to stimulate consumption, but the measures launched so far are relatively mild, and no major currency or fiscal stimulus can be adopted.

Essende said that since China ended the zero -epidemic prevention policy, the chamber of commerce has been able to meet with government officials. However, they are unwilling to discuss the specific situation seriously about how to solve the core issues faced by the Chinese economy.

Essequan welcomes the Chinese State Council to encourage the public to report plans to hinder the development of the private economy, but he also said that the EU Chamber of Commerce has put forward many policy suggestions in 20 years, but only a small part has been adopted.