Jens Eskelund, chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce, said that the lack of efforts of China's revitalization of the private economy have "promised fatigue" in foreign companies in China.

According to Bloomberg News on Friday (August 4), Yan Ci said in an email that the efforts of China's revitalization of the private economy were not enough to help foreign companies in China and the economy that supported the trouble.

He believes that there have been signs of "promising fatigue" in foreign companies in China, and they have begun to doubt whether the Chinese government will introduce meaningful economic support policies.

Yan Ci said that the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce has not yet seen the Chinese government's willingness to implement structural reforms to solve the fundamental challenges facing the Chinese economy and allow foreign and private enterprises to play the potential to support the Chinese economy.

He also mentioned that since the Chinese government has relaxed strict crown disease prevention measures, the Chamber of Commerce has repeatedly met with Chinese government officials.However, these officials are unwilling to discuss how to solve the core issues of the Chinese economy.

Yan Ci said that the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce has put forward many policies for more than 20 years, but only a small number of suggestions have been adopted.

A position document of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce was released in September 2022. The document calls on China to open more economic fields to foreign companies to ensure that foreign companies in China can compete with state -owned enterprises fairly, so that the business environment can go to make the business environment go.Politicization.

With the shrinking of the Chinese manufacturing industry again, the weak service industry, and the weak economic recovery, the Chinese government has published multiple documents in the past month to promise to revitalize private enterprises, including colleagues in private enterprises and state -owned enterprises.And invite entrepreneurs to conduct consultation when formulating policies, planning, and standards of enterprise -related enterprise.

But so far, the Chinese government has not introduced large -scale currency and fiscal stimulus measures to stimulate consumption with relatively mild measures.

In addition, Yan Ci welcomed the general public to report the clues to the development of the private economy on Wednesday (2nd) to encourage the public to report the development of the private economy.