The team of the South Korean Quantum Energy Research Center announced on July 22 that the successful synthesis of the first room temperature (normal temperature) normally pressure superconductors LK-99, which has aroused global attention. China and related teams in the United States have also released similar results on Tuesday (August 1), Drive the skyrocketing concept stocks around the world.

Unexpectedly, the "LK-99 Verification Committee" established by the South Korean Super Guide Society showed that the next day (2nd) shows that the LK-99 is not a superconducting at room temperature, and the concept stock fell.Falun fell on the same day, and many companies issued a statement that they denied the superconducting business of foot room temperature.

What is room temperature superconducting?

superconducting is super conductive, which is considered one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. It means that the current can be passed by zero resistance in the material and is completely anti -magnetic.However, superconducting materials are difficult to apply large -scale, because only below the specific temperature (about 200 degrees Celsius) will enter the superconducting state.

The reason why

room temperature superconductance has triggered global pursuit because it spans the limitations of superconducting, and super conductive can be achieved at room temperature or normal conditions.

Scientists believe that once the room temperature superconducting is successful, it will change the entire experimental physics and modern industrial civilization.Once the room temperature superconductive is put into commercial use, the transmission of long -distance lossless power transmission is realized, and changes have been produced in many fields such as infrastructure, energy, transportation, computing, and medical testing.

For example, it may reduce the cost of magnetic suspension trains and affect changes in high -speed traffic; it can be used to build quantum computers, the operation speed is far exceeding the existing computer, bringing huge changes in the field of information processing;It provides possibilities to promote the development and progress of medical technology.

The Beijing Business Daily quoted independent international strategy researcher Chen Jia, said, "It is necessary to achieve superconducting under normal gentle and normal atmosphere. The actual influence on human society must be far more than the current AGI (general artificial intelligence)The wave of scientific and technological revolution. "

Progress and question of room temperature superconducting research

Dutch physicist Angnees discovered superconducting more than 100 years ago.(Internet)

Since the Dutch physicist of the Netherlands found the superconducting state in 1911, after opening the superconducting door for humans, scientists from various countries have conducted several rounds of "room temperature superconducting", which is known as the "Holy Grail", which is known as the "Holy Grail".Research.

Before this round of upsurge, two Indian scientists announced in 2018 that a mixture composed of gold and silver nanoparticles showed superconducting characteristics below 13 degrees.But this study was gone after the amendment was released in May 2019.

Ranga Dias, a professor at the University of Rochester, also announced in March this year that it has found a new material called the Ternary Lutetium-Nitrogen Hydrogen System, which has achieved the "normal temperature superconducting"" ".

However, the Teacher of the School of Physics, the School of Physics, who has been engaged in high -temperature superconducting materials for a long time, quickly questioned the results of the Dias team's research.The Cheng Jinguang team of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also published a paper expressed doubt.

The Chinese team's suspicion of Dias's research is not groundless.As early as October 2020, Natural Magazine reported the breakthrough in the field of room temperature superconducting in the room temperature superconducting, and achieved superconductance of hydrocarbon sulfide below 15 degrees.

But on September 26 last year, the natural magazine withdrew the paper because researchers had violations of data processing.

The Korean research team, which trigger the "room temperature superconducting" upsurge in this round, published a paper in ARXIV on July 22. It announced that the first room temperature constant-voltage super conductive LK-99 in the world announced that it can be at 127 degrees Celsius (room temperature conditions.) The following superconducting.Team members also said that they can help other teams come back within one month.

Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory (LBNL) published a post on July 31st on the "theoretical support" of the above research results.

A few hours later, the Chinese team also announced a preliminary recovery.The School of Materials of Huazhong University of Science and Technology posted a video in Bilibili that the first successful verification of the LK-99 crystal that can be magnetically suspended.Super -conducting magnetic suspension.

The School of Materials of Huazhong University of Science and Technology published a video at Bilibili saying that it was successfully verified for the first time that the LK-99 crystal that could be magnetically suspended.(Video screenshot)

Although the video is very small in the video, the crystal of successful synthesis is very small and less than a nail shell is large, but it is enough to inspire the scientific community and netizens.

Taj Quantum, which is a "first" of the "first" of the superconducting material of the Korean team, announced a photo on August 1 that a new discovery of a room temperature superconducting material can beWork internally.

However, the Taiji quantity subsidiary did not announce the relevant experimental data at the same time, which caused a lot of questions.

Almost at the same time, Russian scientist Iris Alexandra also posted on Twitter that it has successfully produced LK-99 crystals with normal temperature anti-magnetic properties.

Market fluctuations caused by the research on "room temperature superconduct" in South Korea

The favorable information of the room temperature superconducting has immediately caused a chain response in the capital market, and the collective sectors of China, the United States and South Korea have risen collectively.

Duksung, super -wire manufacturer Sunam, and Shinsung Delta Tech, a super -wire manufacturer, and the electronic parts manufacturer, have been on Tuesday for two consecutive days of daily limit.

China Farl Sheng's five trading days appeared three daily limit boards, and two daily limit boards appeared in the three trading days of Jinhui.

Faced with the fanaticism of A shares, netizens' creation section jokes: From the discovery of superconducting to suspected that the room temperature superconducting is for 112 years, the A -shares have changed from discovery room temperature superconducting to the controlled nuclear aggregation for 60 minutes.

The most ridiculous thing is that the US and superconducting energy solution company "American SuperConductor", which has no related business, has soared nearly 150%on Tuesday, and finally closed more than 60%.

When the market is in a "superconducting" cyclone, a report released by the Korean Super Guide Society on August 2 is like a pot of cold water poured on their heads, making people gradually restore reason.

The expert verification committee composed of Korean superconducting low-temperature society conducts scientific research and judgment on the LK-99. It is believed that the phenomenon of superconducting means that specific substances will eliminate the resistance and produce the "negative effects" of squeezing out the internal magnetic field.In the 99 -related videos and papers, this Masner effect appeared.

The expert verification committee composed of Korean superconducting low-temperature society has been judged that the LK-99 is not a normal temperature superconducting.(Video interception)

One of the members of the Korean Research Team and the representative of the Quantum Energy Research Institute, Li Shuopei, said in an interview with Yonhap News Agency that the relevant papers were defective and a member of the team was published without their consent.Essence

In fact, when the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory supports LK-99 on the same day, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the Indian CSIR-National Physical Lab-99 has no superconducting characteristics.

With the frustration of superconducting research at room temperature, superconducting concept stocks have changed from before two days to a decline. When U.S. stocks closed on August 2, US superconducting companies plummeted by 29%.12%.

A -share concept sector was also severely frustrated on August 3.At the time of the close, Zhongfu Industrial fell 9.97%, and the Western superconducting fell 8.13%. Zhongtian Technology and silver colors fell.

The night before (August 2) of many A -share companies also clarified the concept of superconducting.According to incomplete statistics, dozens of companies have been asked if the company's business involves "room temperature superconducting" or related technologies on the investor interactive platform, and most companies have denied it.

A new round of scientific and technological warfare?

Although the room temperature superconducting technology is still unstable and immature, the trend of puppets and palms in all countries shows that they are afraid that they will miss the opportunity to enter the track.

This scene seems to have known each other.In December last year, OPENAI, an artificial intelligence company invested by Microsoft, launched the ChatGPT detonation market. China ’s largest Chinese search engine China Baidu also announced a new round of AI model competition two months later.

OPENAI, an artificial intelligence company invested by Microsoft in December last year, launched the ChatGPT detonation market.(Reuters)

The research report on the map of the large artificial intelligence model of China shows that as of the end of May this year, at least 79 basic models above the scale of 1 billion parameters in China have been released.

Although the number of major models between China and the United States accounted for nearly 90%of the world's large models, other countries are also eager to try to promote the development of AI.

South Korea announced in June this year that it will throw 500 billion won (about S $ 512 million) in the next five years to support the core industry of AI technology; Indian Prime Minister Modi will meet with the CEO of OpenAI in June this year.Artificial intelligence has huge potential in India, and welcome all cooperation that can accelerate digital transformation.Teams such as Tokyo University of Technology and Northeast University in Japan announced in May that they would develop a large language model as a genetic AI basic technology and have stronger Japanese capabilities.

The research and development progress of "room temperature superconducting" has caused the capital markets of various countries to rise and fall. Among them, there are many factors of conceptual hype, but in a deeper level, it is the strategy of expressing the technical revolution, the strategy of rare raw materials and development dominance of the technological revolution.Game.

In the era of increasing competition in various countries, no one wants to be "stuck" in the process of science and technology development and manufacturing.