Chinese ambassador to Canada, Cong Peiwu, said that the current Sino -Canadian relations are facing difficulties, the responsibilities are not in China, and some Canadian politicians are accused of setting up an ideological line to hype the "Chinese threat" and seriously toxize the relationship between the relationship between the two countries.

Cong Peiwu accepted an interview with local media today in Graif Wendhrst, Ontario, and answered questions from reporters on questions such as Sino -Canadian relations and climate change.

According to the text draft released by the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Canada on Friday (July 28), Cong Peiwu accused some Canadian politicians in the Cold War thinking, scratched the line with ideology, and continued to hype "Chinese threats", "Chinese interference"Wait, severely toxic the relationship between the relationship between the two countries."At present, China -Canada relations are facing difficulties, and responsibility is not in China."

Cong Peiwu said that China's development is an opportunity rather than a challenge or threat to Canada.It also meets the common interests of the two countries.Canada should have a good understanding of China, focus on cooperation, and promote Sino -Canada relations to return to the right track on the basis of mutual respect and simultaneous deposits.

He said that climate change is a global challenge and requires countries to deal with it.China has announced that it will strive to achieve carbon peaks by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, which means that China, as the world's largest developing country, will complete the world's highest carbon emissions intensity.Carbon peaks to carbon neutral.

Cong Peiwu also described in the interview to describe the existence of "racial extinction" and "forced labor" in Xinjiang as a lie, and introduced China's development achievements in economy and society.

Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was detained in Canada in 2018 and two Canadian citizens were arrested in China. China -Canada's bilateral relations have been in a state of tension.However, the relationship between the two countries has declined sharply in recent months, and the China -Canada government has exchanged diplomats in May this year. In June this year, an Canadian executive UI Investment Bank, an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), was led by the CCP.Resignation, Canada subsequently announced the suspension of contact with the AIIB and investigated the relevant allegations.