The Italian Prime Minister Meloni hopes to strengthen its relationship with the United States through promises to break through promises.She plans to introduce to the US President Biden on Thursday (July 27) that Italy made a careful arrangement in order to part ways with China -withdrawn from the "Belt and Road" initiative in China.

A person familiar with the idea of Melonony revealed to Bloomberg that Italian officials have been guaranteed to the United States in private that Italy will withdraw from the investment agreement signed with ChinaPublicly announced the decision.

People familiar with the matter said that Roman officials are worried that if Melonney announces such a sensitive decision on US territory, she will look very weak.Bloomberg reports that the China Global Times has hinted that Italy's consideration to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" initiative was due to pressure from Washington.

Over the past few months, Melonney has been trying to find how to withdraw from the agreement without attracting Beijing revenge.Italian officials say Beijing is paying close attention to their next step.

People familiar with the matter also revealed that Melony's team plans to cleverly respond to the measures of Italy's withdrawal from the "Belt and Road" initiative by promising other exclusive investment agreements to China, and Meloni also plans to Biden BidenIncluding her strategy.

Italy, like many other European countries, has fallen into the upgrade of tensions between Washington and Beijing.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Beijing's support for Russia has further intensified Sino -US tensions.Whether it is economically or in geopolitics, how to maintain intimacy with the United States and not alienate China is always a difficult balance for European countries.

When Melonyne visited the White House, when Italy took over as the rotating chairman of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) next year, her relationship with China would be the most important topic.