U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen arrived on Thursday (July 6) to Beijing to launch a four -day visit to China. She expected to meet with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang on Friday. The United States plans to discuss China's export restrictions on semiconductor raw materials.

The analysis of scholars interviewed, Yellen's visit to China is to restore high -level communication, and in the short term, it has little effect on stabilizing Sino -US relations.

Yellen arrived at Beijing at 5 pm on Thursday. Yang Yingming, director of the International Economic Relations Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, and the US ambassador to China, Bernes, to pick up the airport.

According to the video released by CCTV's Weibo account "Yuyuan Tan Tian", Yellen shook hands with Yang Yingming for nearly 20 seconds after the machine was off the machine.The scene showed that China's pick -up arrangement for Yellen was similar to the US Secretary of State Brillings when visiting China in June without preparing flowers and red carpets.

Bloomberg quoted officials in the US Treasury, saying that Yellen will meet with Li Qiang and former Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He and participate in a dinner hosted by the former president of the Central Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan.U.S. Treasury officials have revealed before Yellen set off that she will talk to Chinese Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng, but it is expected that they will not meet with Chinese officials.

This is the second member of Biden Cabinet who visited China in one month.Reuters reported on Thursday that American climate special envoy Kerry will also visit China on July 16.

Yellen tweeted after arriving in Beijing: "We seek a healthy economy competition for American workers and enterprises, and cooperate with international challenges. We will take action to maintain our national security when necessary.Provide a communication and avoid poor communication and misunderstanding. "

The US Treasury officials have stated before Yellen set off that Yellen's goal is to establish long -term Sino -US communication channels.

Wu Xinbo, Dean of the International Institute of International Issues of Fudan University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "Yellen has a long interview time. I believe it is to communicate with China on specific economic and trade issues in depth."

He analyzed that there are different economic issues in China and the United States.China is expected to pay attention to the Sino -US tariff war, the western condolences of China technology, the restrictions on investment in China, and the export restrictions on the high -tech field that may be further intensified;Foreign companies in the Chinese business environment, RMB exchange rate and other issues, as well as debt issues in developing countries.

The Sino -US Science and Technology War warmed in the past two weeks. Last week, the New York Times quoted sources saying that the Biden government is considering additional restrictions on the ability to obtain key technologies in China, including restrictions on high -end chip sales for driving artificial intelligence; there are also some also some;Sources said that the United States is preparing to restrict Chinese enterprises using US cloud computing services.China announced on Monday that from August 1, export controls were implemented on semiconductor raw materials 镓 and 锗 related items.

According to Reuters, officials of the US Treasury officials said on Thursday that China's raw materials export restrictions are "worrying", and the United States expected to discuss this restriction measures during the visit to China.

Analysis: Yellen has a small effect on stabilizing Sino -US relations

James CHAR, a researcher at the Rajernan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, pointed out in an interview that China's raw material export restrictions show that Beijing is urgently seeking the suspension key for the United States and the West to press high -tech enclosure;Beauty cannot achieve consensus on high -end technology and semiconductor -related export issues.

Sino -US relations are highly tense, and it also adds uncertainty to the overall business environment of China and the United States.China's newly revised anti -spy law and the newly -developed foreign relations law will take effect this month. Many foreign companies in China are worried about being more strictly reviewed or sanctions.The chip bill and inflation reduction bill signed by the US President Biden last year have also aroused the outside world's concerns about the accelerated decoupling of China and the United States in the economic field.

There is a point of view that Yellen plays the role of "Good Cop" in the Bayeng government team and releases a relatively gentle signal in the China policy, including the hearing of last month that the United States to China to ChinaIt can "de -risk", but "absolutely no".The United States's visit to China this time helps to stabilize the overall relationship between China and the United States.

Wu Xinbo pointed out that many specific policies are not in charge of Yellen. The focus of China and the United States is to show their concerns and accurately understand each other's position on specific issues, rather than policy coordination.Yellen does not play a significant role in stabilizing Sino -US economic and trade relations, but it is still important from the perspective of restoring direct communication and substantial dialogue between China and the United States.