Floods in Wanzhou District, the second largest city in Chongqing have caused major casualties this week. It is the most serious disaster facing the new leadership since December last year.Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, shouted on Wednesday (July 5th), requiring to summarize the lessons and lessons in time, make up for shortcomings and weak links, and expressed that officials and cadres who have serious consequences caused by poor leadership, negligent work or improper disposal must chase seriouslyresponsibility.

Observer interviewees analyzed that Chongqing faces flood disasters every summer and has not suffered major casualties due to flooding accidents in the past few years.Officials were gorgeous about the casualties caused by floods.Relevant cadres are expected to take responsibility for this serious accident to alert the city's cadres to increase the flood prevention.

Chongqing ushered in the strongest rainfall since the flood in the flood this week. Half a few districts and counties (19) were affected. Among them, Wanzhou was the severe rainstorm area in this round.As of Wednesday, at least 15 people have died in Wanzhou, and four were disappeared, and the loss of more than 220 million yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 4105 million).

Due to the pouring of mountain mud in the local area, many highways in Wanzhou were blocked and could not pass.According to the China Railway Chengdu Bureau, some bridge piers from Wanliang Railway (Wanzhou to Enshi, Hubei) were damaged by floods, causing the railway bridge to collapse.

China's official instructions on Tuesday, requiring full efforts to rescue the disaster relief; the emergency management department sent a working group to Wanzhou the next day to guide the flood prevention and rescue disaster relief work.

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management also urgently allocated 320 million yuan of disaster relief funds on Wednesday, supporting 16 provinces and cities including Chongqing and Sichuan to do a good job of flooding and geological disaster relief.

The Central Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee on Thursday (July 6) and then distributed 128 million yuan of special funds for 16 provinces and cities including the Central Committee of Chongqing, Sichuan to support flood prevention and disaster relief.The disaster relief funds invested from the central government were from at least 450 million yuan.

Yuan Jiajun and Mayor Hu Henghua were divided into two roads on Wednesday afternoon to inspect the most heaviest flood control tasks in Chongqing and Wanzhou.

Yuan Jiajun emphasized in Qijiang that it is necessary to do a good job of forecasting and early warning in the basin, improve the accuracy of forecasting and early warning, improve the level and ability of rapid response, and should all turn around, early, and quick turn.

Chongqing's first and second leaders inspected the Chongqing Flood Control Drought Resistance Headquarters on the same morning, and dispatched and command some districts and counties in some districts and counties.The executive deputy mayor Chen Mingbo, the secretary of the Wanzhou District Party Committee Yu Wenwen, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Luo Yan, and other three municipal party committee members, as well as Zheng Xiangdong, Jiang Duntao, Shang Kui and other deputy mayor participated in the inspection.

Yuan Jiajun also requested to strengthen the forecast and early warning, insist on putting "prevention" first, highlighting precise monitoring, strengthening scientific and technological empowerment, and improving the forecast and early warning system.

Yuan Jiajun said that flood prevention is a major war test facing Chongqing at present, and requires party committees and governments at all levels to carry out the responsibility of flood control disaster relief. It fully understands the severe nature of the current flood prevention and disaster relief situation.Correct the tendency of bad ideas in time.

Observer at the Chongqing analyzed the United Morning Post, Yuan Jiajun repeatedly emphasized the strengthening of flood prevention and early warning capabilities, which may indicate that Chongqing's leadership initially judged that insufficient early warning is one of the main causes of injuries and deaths.

The person pointed out that after three years of epidemic, many places in Chongqing not only paid more attention to political standing and statements, but also excessive financial resources into epidemic prevention.It is also limited to a certain extent to prevent preparation and insufficient resource investment dispatch.

When the new Chongqing leadership team vigorously revitalize the economy, some places may also be lazy to areas other than the economies of emergency control and control. It is expected that the tragedy of Wanzhou may accelerate the official flood prevention work.

On the other hand, Li Guoying, Minister of Water Resources of China, hosted the Flood Control Association on Wednesday, requested the start of the working mechanism of the main flood season, and proposed 10 defense work, including the monitoring and forecast warning, the defense of the Seven River Basin, and the defense of the reservoir.